Empower Others

Empower Others

This is one of my all time favorite quotes. As you begin a new week, I encourage you to think about others. Set aside your selfish feelings of how they could be better, do more and fulfill your needs. Instead, be kind, reach out to them, be selfless and strive to meet their needs! You never know what another person is going through, or the story that makes them who they are. Love others! I attended church this morning and the message moved me, oh how I fail daily. Thank you Jesus for your grace! We can walk down a grocery store isle and be annoyed that someone is in the middle, yet they may be broken, moments away from tears and our grace may be all they need to get through that encounter. When is the last time you honked at someone on the crowded freeway or used words you shouldn’t in anger over frustrating circumstances? Raising my hand here in complete honesty — this is me! Did you lose patience with your child? Your friend? Your spouse? Everyday I give myself a pep talk of what I could do better!

Alabama - Take Three!

Alabama - Take Three!

Ever year the month of February brings the Phoenix Open to Scottsdale, crazy amounts of traffic and tourists, the Superbowl, and for our family — a trip to Birmingham Alabama! Be honest, did you break into song with the legendary Lynard Skynyrd when you heard the lyrics above - “sweet home Alabama … where the skies are so blue”? I have to admit everytime I hear the song I cannot help but belt it out, it’s such a feel good beat! However, if music is not your thing, perhaps you prefer romance and turn to mush over the handsome Josh Lucas and his enticingly sexy blue eyes, understanding without question why Reese Witherspoon falls for him all over again in the movie! I mean who doesn’t want a man that loves his dog, flies a plane and can create hand blown glass kitchen items and decor, while becoming successful on his own! If you have no idea what I am talking about, I may question our friendship - and if you don’t know who Josh Lucas is, we really need to plan some quality low key girl time - also known as movie night. I’ll provide the comfy couches, blankets and place to relax - you bring the popcorn, wine and an open mind to one of my favorite chick flicks of all time! My list of favorite movies is a blog post in itself for a later day — Wimbledon, Pretty Woman, The Lucky One, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, I could go on — but I am way off subject now — so enough about that and back to Alabama!



The topic of friendship has been on my heart and mind lately - please take a moment to grab your coffee, glass of wine or beverage of choice as this is a lengthy post! I do my best to respect the time my readers have, but some topics require more words! So without further ado, I hope you experience sincerity, laughter and encouragement as I examine the depth and authenticity of friendship.

This year I am determined to take more time to express my appreciation and support of those dear to my heart. I look forward to hosting more events and bringing those I love together! I have been blessed with amazing friendships over the years and I pray that God continues to grow them and bring new individuals into my life that are unique and beautiful. My heart bursts in gratitude for all I have learned, even when the lessons were difficult. Some friends have known me for a lifetime, others a few years, and some relationships are brand new! While I am excited about those friends above, it is important to share honestly that I have also failed at friendship. I do not call enough, I let too much time pass without checking in when friends are far away, I’ve missed major moments, and I need to be better about prioritizing my time. With failure comes humility and in some cases, I have re-kindled a bond of friendship once lost, while others are imprinted deeply in my heart as a mere fond memory of the past. I have had to move on when I was not ready and for periods of time I have been angry, crushed, saddened and misunderstood.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, successful 2019! I took a much needed break from blogging in 2018 to focus on my furthering my education, settling into a new home, and of course adventures with our little guy who is now five! I look forward to blogging more this year and hope you will join me on my journey as 2019 is bound to bring change and excitement!

The Presence of Loss

The Presence of Loss

"Let your moments of pain remind you to practice deeper gratitude, compassion, acceptance, meaning and forgiveness."  Dr. Amit Sood (Mayo Clinic)

There is so much power written in the phrase above it takes my breathe away.  While I have read it over and over, and I know the meaning it holds, I have to admit --  it is not always easy.  One thing I do know though, is the trials I have been through and the grief my heart has faced do make me think twice about being a more understanding and compassionate person!  

Show Up To Your Life

Show Up To Your Life

I have had this "title" in my drafts for over a week now, maybe two.  Every time I open the page to write about it, I end up leaving it blank and closing it out.  I enjoy blogging, but sometimes I feel passionate and inspired to write and other times I don't.  I know I have something to say about this BOLD statement though because I keep coming back to it!  I overheard someone awhile back say, "it's your life, show up to it" and I loved that.  Everyday we are given a choice.  Wake up, light a fire, burn it bright, blow it out, repeat.  Or we can wake up, go through the motions, be mediocre, and fall into bed.  Which description do you prefer?   I have pondered this over and over in the past week or two.

Baby Shower Fun

I love all things party, baby, birthday, celebration, and fun!  You name it, I love being involved in event planning.  While I am no expert, I do think my inner self would love to work with someone extremely talented to soak in all their secrets.  If you are anything like me, some nights you may find yourself in front of home makeover shows for hours because it is fun to see an idea come to life in the most beautiful way!  Along those same lines, I would give my heart and soul to make someone smile and feel extra special because of the little personal touches I added to their day!  I am 100% guilty of changing my ideas as I go, buying unnecessary, yet fun items and dreaming ~ because that is part of the fun!  Parties can be fabulous even on a budget!  

I had the pleasure of co-hosting a baby shower this past weekend!  Here are some of the pinterest inspired ideas captured in photos!  Let's face it, we all pinterest, yet 99% of the time we do not put the pins to use.  

Simple photo booth in the grass was a fun addition! 

Simple photo booth in the grass was a fun addition! 

Simple photo booth in the grass was a fun addition! 

Chalkboard signs are a great way to add a personal touch, cute saying, greeting, etc.  I borrowed these signs which again is great for cost saving.  However, places like Michael's and Hobby Lobby (a favorite of mine) often have these on sale! 

Easy way to welcome guests!

Easy way to welcome guests!

Parents are not finding out the gender!

Parents are not finding out the gender!

Parents are not finding out the gender!

Diaper cakes are a fun way to be creative!  If you look online there are cakes that appear to be more decorative and match the shower theme, as well as diaper cakes as gifts with a lot of small items tucked everywhere.  My girlfriend and I made this cake as a decor piece as well as a gift, but I was going for a clean feel.  We decided to fold the diapers instead of rolling them as I have done in the past and much preferred the fold technique!  You can find a lot of styles, and techniques online.  

How cute is the giraffe?

How cute is the giraffe?

B.A.B.Y For this decoration, I simply took empty boxes and plain brown paper.  You can paint with any color, and I added glitter for fun.  I have never made these before so it was a first time project that took no time at all.  I would add a rock to the box if I do it again, as the shower I hosted was outside with a light breeze.  

Star accents from hobby lobby – painted for the “twinkle twinkle” theme!

Star accents from hobby lobby – painted for the “twinkle twinkle” theme!

Who doesn't love a mimosa bar?  For fun I found a chalk banner and since it was a baby shower, we had a "Mom"osa Bar!  Of course I made sure the mom to be didn't mind alcohol being served, but this is a fun way to decorate while still serving the guests practically with a drink most everyone loves.  I am not personally an orange juice fan, so we served multiple juice types to cover individual taste buds.  The mimosa bar was a success!

(also pictured is water and punch)

It was fun to be creative with a drink bar - both alcohol and non!

It was fun to be creative with a drink bar - both alcohol and non!

The mom to be loves to read, so we thought it was only appropriate to bring a book instead of a card.  It was such a cute idea and the baby will have a ready made library waiting for him/her!  

I love childrens books!

I love childrens books!

Party favors are always a tough discussion among showers.  Some people love them, while others feel they never use the favor.  For something different, as a recommendation from a friend, we had a large dessert bar with treat boxes to go.  While desserts are usually the last to be touched at a brunch, guests were able to pack up treats of their choice to take home and enjoy later or share with a family member.  I personally love this idea, and there were no treats left over, which was a win for my diet!  

As you can see I love chalkboards and cupcakes!  

As you can see I love chalkboards and cupcakes!  

More dessert! I forgot to put the mini cheesecakes out till the end!  

More dessert! I forgot to put the mini cheesecakes out till the end!  

Huge thank you to one of my dear friends for letting me host this shower at her house!  She had a lovely open setting from the kitchen to the patio that was perfect for the event!  In addition to the photos and ideas above, we were able to set up a simple, yet lovely photo booth backdrop for fun, silly, and serious photos to capture the day!  I am still waiting to see all of those moments, but I am looking forward to the memories!  The mom to be was truly blessed with a wonderful turn out of friends and showered with tons of items from her registry!  

An Amazing Nurse

I took my son to the emergency room today and was gently reminded that we as humans have NO idea what someone else faces everyday.  I love my career as a health care provider and I often believe my compassion is sincere and my patience is extensive.  However, as a patient today with my 3 year old -- in an "un-fun" environment I want to give a shout out to an AMAZING pediatric nurse.  My son went through 5 movies watching all but 5 minutes of each, color books, blocks, a teddy bear, bubbles, a wall mount tv, an I-pad I had brought with me, took a walk down the hall, and 2 small cars and still our nurse encouraged me that she had a lot of tricks up her sleeve and not to worry that he was antsy and wanted to "go home mama".  We spent 5 hours in a boring room, and my little man was a champ, but this woman was kind and patient, and told me how great of a mom I was as she inserted an IV into tiny little veins that took three of us to hold him down including my legs.  I do not take my son to the doctor on a whim.  In fact, working in health care I tend to steer clear of the doctor and emergency rooms, but today my heart and mind knew it was necessary.  As many of you know our medical history, I was again touched when our sweet nurse said, "I read your history and would have never guessed or noticed, he is amazing."  Yes, I fought tears.  I strive to give Lincoln every opportunity to be strong and work hard at therapy so he can live a "typical" life and the words of a stranger touched me.  I thanked her and she asked my story so I gave her the run-down 5 minute version.  She listened intently and then shared her own horrifying story that could have ended poorly but didn't.  I sat in the ER today as she brought my son a prize car and popsicle for being so good and wanted to cry ... I wasn't sure if it was proud tears that I might be doing something right, or thankful tears that a nurse working on a Sunday made my unexpected day better by being kind, compassionate and completely relatable.  Maybe they were even tears of exhaustion -- but no matter the reason for them, I felt grateful.  I was supposed to work myself today at the hospital and had to call co-workers to cover me, and they did.  No hesitation, no worry that I couldn't be with my son.  Tonight when I was finally able to finish my shift so my dear co-worker could go home, I hope that someone else found me just as compassionate and kind as I found my nurse today.  Regardless of the reason people seek emergency rooms, hospitals, health care or anything really in life, human nature deserves kindness and the best quality care we can give.  Thank you to an AMAZING nurse today.  May we all live up to her standards!!   


 "Happiness, not in another place, but this place ... not for another hour, but this hour."  Walt Whitman 
As 2017 approaches, I keep thinking about moments.  I could look back over 2016 and think of it as a whole, but it is really the moments that get me, broken down into segments.  Some are happy and exciting, some are emotional, some were devastating -- in the moment -- but they all made up a year I would not give back as it defines my life and all that I have, all that I am, and all that I want to be. 

The holidays approached quickly this year and before I knew it Thanksgiving was over and it's already New Years Eve.  Between these dates I had some really great moments.  Black Friday shopping with a girlfriend, where lets face it, I bought more for myself than gifts for other people.  However, I made up for that when my co-workers and I spent a day shopping for two families we adopted.  Another Sunday morning was spent delivering those gifts and holding back tears as I realized how very lucky my life is, and how little other people have.  Office Christmas parties, ladies holiday party, among other moments.  Over Christmas, Jason and I decided to spend the holiday in Flagstaff, Arizona where we received over a foot of snow and to Lincoln’s delight we went sledding and his first true experience in snow was delightful.  I also went skiing, which was the perfect Christmas morning gift.  A week before Christmas we had received some news that -- in the moment -- felt devastating.  My little family needed relaxation and peace.  Today, I am working at Mayo Clinic ... and when asked what my New Years Eve plans are - I say, "I am working".  Again a moment in time that I am OK with.  I love my job.  For those out there that think working tonight sounds awful, I want to be clear that I choose to work.  And during those moments I experience more joy, tears and appreciation than most.  Sure there are times of frustration as well, but somewhere out there tonight a single mom is your waitress, a dad is away from home in the oil field providing for his family, a friend is serving your drinks, a grandmother is fighting cancer alone - you name it tonight someone is sacrificing their celebration so you can ring in the New Year or maybe praying that they live to celebrate another.

Weeks before Christmas I could be found on my couch or at the local Starbucks, studying for a national test for work.  I took two this year, which totals 4 national certifications I am proud of.  However, in the moment, I was procrastinating, stressing and even complaining about the last one.  The day I took it and passed I felt relief and joy.  Did it change my ability to scan, did it change how I treat my patients ... no, but the moment was gratifying.  For my career, minus a specialty in musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging, I am as certified as I can be and I am proud of my accomplishments.  I am going to enjoy the moment before I set another goal.   

If I recap the rest of 2016, I don't even know where to start.  The highlights were taking my mom to the grand canyon, playing with my sisters kids in Pine Canyon, meeting new friends and growing those friendships, breaking out of my comfort zone to really understand other people, picking out interior designs for Vedadi Homes, being accepted for constraint induced movement therapy at Children’s of Alabama, writing my blog, giving gifts away to others, taking family pictures, learning to tell my husband how much I appreciate him, because I do and don't always say or show it, hosting ladies night, working out, potty training my son, and just overall staying true to myself even when it meant losing a friend or disappointment -- really the moments individually are endless and it is difficult to remember them all.  I went skiing in Telluride with my sister, had multiple friends visit Arizona, fed a giraffe, killed my flowers, completed a sprint triathlon where I think I almost sunk to the bottom of the lake.  So many moments I could keep going!  

"Live today.  Not yesterday.  Not tomorrow.  Just today."

I have had countless conversations lately about goals and plans, futures and fears with friends and coworkers.  In my heart ever since having my son, losing my dad, and my mom surviving cancer, I am a big believer in living for today.  We could all worry about tomorrow, plan ten years out or regret yesterday, but what good does any of that do?!?  At work yesterday we were chatting about recertification's in ten years and I jokingly said, I might not even be alive in ten years.  My co-worker who I am very close too didn't appreciate my humor, but the reality is I don't know what tomorrow brings, let alone ten years from now.  In my head I hope to be amazingly fit (like model fit, ha ha), a supportive golf mom (or whatever sport or club (chess maybe) Lincoln chooses), a successful business owner, a friend someone doesn't want to lose, an everyday woman who started a successful charity for kids with hemiplegia -- we could all write a list of hopes and dreams, but the take home message is we only have today!  We only have THIS MOMENT.  Do not look so far ahead in your life that you miss the small moments.  

People I was or am close too have reminded 
me lately, that human nature is a very selfish thing.  People get caught up in their own lives and forget to ask about others for months.  I pride myself on having amazing friends and family and I try to connect with them routinely, but even I can be selfish.  Recently I missed the fact that one of my dear friends had a job promotion!  I missed her moment!  Another friend of mine asked me last week how potty training was going and I thought to myself, he's been in underwear for two months, where have you been?  I should call my husbands aunt more as we are all she has left, and with that being said I should call my mom more just because I can. We could all do a better job of slowing down, caring about others and living our life in the moment.  In that regard I am grateful for my sister lately who has made a weekly effort to face time my son.  Did I think of that?  No.  Thankfully she did.  

To live in the moment, means being conscious, aware and in the present with all of your senses.  Not dwelling on the past, or being anxious about the future.  I read recently that seizing each moment in life allows us to prolong its value and make it more meaningful.  Not sacrificing quality for quantity.  While we all have goals for 2017, myself included, I want to stop and make every moment count even more this year.  I want to embrace everything I do and give attention to areas that deserve it.  Human nature believes in big expectations, but I want to slow down and enjoy the process -- whatever that may be.  What is the saying -- "stop and smell the roses".  The normal me would set a fitness goal, or say I am going back to school this year, but the reality is I want to see where 2017 takes me, I want to be pleasantly surprised with where my passion leads!    

In closing, I wanted to share another thought I read - "Living in the moment means letting go of the past and trusting the future".  Is there an area of your life that was painful, difficult, maybe a grudge being held?  As always, I am only as real as I am honest, and I have these areas in my life.  Part of living fully in the moment is letting go of those things, or our future will continue to be the same as the past.  2016 I wanted to find my optimistic side, the positive side of who I am and for the most part I am proud to say I succeeded!  That isn't to say I did not fail, or cry or lose my temper but I had some major moments that I handled with more grace and class than I every would have before.  I hope that I encouraged someone along the way.  We owe it to ourselves to make every moment count, because as we ring in the new year tonight -- as we welcome 2017, there is no point looking back on the what if's, the why not’s, the should have beens -- instead hold your head high, and decide to cheers the moment!  Happy New Years to all my friends and readers.  May 2017 bring you amazing moments!  



Sometimes in life it is the little things we need to practice more!  I thought this was the perfect list of simple things!  


 WRITE down your goals

GO outside

ENJOY simple things

SMILE at a stranger

LOOK for adventure

EAT your veggies

SEE your own beauty

WANT less

GIVE more

WORK hard

FIND your sense of humor

DRINK more water

CREATE something

MAKE a new friend

Who I Am

Have you ever listened to the lyrics "Who I Am"?  I am a big fan of music and find it amazing how everyone can relate to it in some way no matter what the language or genre'.  The following is the chorus of the song that I think we could all insert into our life:

 "I am Rosemary's granddaughter.  The spitting image of my father and when the day is done my mama's still my biggest fan.  Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy, but I've got friends that love me, and they know just where I stand.  It's all a part of me and that's who I am."

When is the last time you pondered over who you are?  What is it that makes you - you?!  There are a lot of circumstances, failures, lessons, success, happiness and the influence of people in my life who make me who I am.  Today I wanted to focus on the friendship aspect because even though I have written about it before, it is a subject I feel strongly about.  

I'm so grateful for everyone in my life.  I love them differently, individually, and separately for who they are and what I gain from them.  I am overwhelmed with love in my life.  Even as I write it tonight, it sounds a little cheesy.  No woman can have that much support, that much love, that much perfect right?!?  Right!!!  That is the beauty of it though -- it isn't perfect.  In fact it is far from it.  Some days it is downright awful!  My friendships fail at moments, my deepest connections hurt me when I thought they never could, I may not support someone in the correct way.  I have to dig deep to forgive, be nice and love unconditionally.  I disappoint my family, I run out of time for a more quality home life, or my attitude at work goes from positive to negative in seconds.  Life is not perfect my dear friends and readers.  I read a quote yesterday that said:

"There is no need to be perfect to inspire others.  Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections."

I believe in this whole-heartedly!  In fact I am learning and striving to live this very way.  When I started sharing my story about Lincoln and losing my father, I found that people could relate.  When I share struggles of moving and starting over, people can relate.  When I say I fail at fitness, friendship or potty training my son, people can relate.  When I joke that wine and chocolate fix problems, again people can relate!  In my own selfishness of not wanting to be vulnerable, I held back and touched only on surface level issues.  But when I finally freed myself of caring about judgment from others, I had people respond to me in the most amazing ways.  I've reconnected with high school friends, college friends and people I was never really friends with at all.  I have formed unique friendships with other moms from Lincoln’s therapy office, and I have the pleasure of meeting new people all the time.  Give me a moment of your time and I will love talking to you and listening to your story!

One of my friends told me recently that I am better at meeting new people than most.  I know her well and one quality I appreciate in her is her forwardness and ability to be honest.  Chuckling, I asked her for further explanation knowing I probably didn't want it.  She went on to say most of her friends do not want new friends or to share their time with others.  She also asked me why I want a lot of friends.  I was busting at the seams to tell her how silly and crazy that was!  I have worked hard not to lose my relationships over the years as I have moved multiple times.  In new states as I settled, I put myself out there meeting new people -- knowing that some attempts would end in utter failure, and other times I would succeed.  Friendship isn't defined by how many Facebook likes you get or birthday wishes you receive on Instagram.  I do not want a lot of empty people in my life, but I still have room for those I meet and feel a connection too.  Friendship to me is a circle of strength, beauty, grace, loyalty and trust!  I love having a tribe.  I feel blessed to have multiple friendships with intelligent, funny, intriguing woman.  As I explained that to her, I told her I would love to meet her dearest friends some day.  With a smile, we both knew that probably wouldn't happen anytime soon and we went on to talk about shopping, work and life.  Last night I was pleasantly surprised to be invited to a casual gathering with her friends on Saturday!  Even though I have a full day myself, I will absolutely be making time to go!!!  Please understand clearly that I think having close friends is important and amazing.  However, if I were close-minded about adding and inviting others into my life or not trying to branch out when invited, I would NOT have the friends I have today.  I have therapy friends, fitness friends, mom friends, single friends -- insert any type of word you want!  I encourage you just once to put them together and your heart will burst at the seams with love!  

I've definitely had some negative interactions through the process and for that I am grateful too.  I learned to heal a hurtful heart and to let go.  I learned that I am strong and beautiful and so much more than what others think of me.  When someone hurts you, move on.  It may change the present but staying true to who you are is the key to happiness.  I was confiding in a friend recently that I feel guilty some days because I feel happy and content.  I explained to her that my life has chaos like everyone else, I have moments of dissatisfaction, and I even asked her advice over a scenario in my life that blew me away and caused me to take a step back.  Yet I still wake up most days and feel blessed.  I think I have finally learned to see the light and the joy in situations.  I have found healthy ways of processing the negatives that come my way.  I know based on reality that I will face hard times again or moments that will rock my world, but I know I will be OK.

This upcoming Saturday I am so excited for ladies night!  We are having a holiday Christmas event and I can't wait to see each lady looking stunning and tell each one how much she means to me.  I put my heart into these moments, and believe me it IS NOT to say I have a lot of friends, because it is work.  I know first hand how important connections are, something I think people tend to forget.  Out of the ladies joining, some are new friends, some are old, but as I said in the beginning of this post, I love them differently, individually, and separately for who they are.  In your happiest moments, do not forget who stood beside you.  In your darkest moments, do not forget who caught your tears and held you up.  You may think in passing that it does not matter, things will figure themselves out, but the reality is life doesn't work that way most of the time.  Say I am sorry - first!  Say I love you.  Say thank you to those that matter to you.  Forgive, forget and embrace the reason you cherish them.  

I encourage you this year to be vulnerable, to trust your dearest friends more, to make new friends and to be a better version of you in the most imperfect way.  I hope today my imperfections inspire you.  Be imperfect and inspire someone else!  If you've read my posts before you know I love calling myself a beautiful disaster.  A lot of spice, sass, and attitude -- yet a heart of compassion, eyes that cry tears over the pain of others, a vulnerable sole living a perfectly imperfect life because I made the choice to do so and to be who I am.  

Happy Thanksgiving

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."  - John F Kennedy

I wanted to take a moment today and say Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 

I had the pleasure  of a great gym workout with a friend earlier, and as I am singing and dancing around my kitchen making side dishes I feel so blessed!  It is overwhelming!  However, as my precious son licked a cool whip-sugar-cream cheese bomb from spoons ... I found myself tearing up even through the incredible joy my heart feels.  There will forever be a void in the happiest moments of my life.  My dad loved thanksgiving, food, grand kids and family.  I want to take a moment for my friends and anyone in the same boat as myself today ~ missing someone you would give anything to hug today or talk to.  My tears are for the sadness I feel knowing my son will never know how amazing my father was or how big his love reached.  But they are also tears of joy that not a day goes by that he doesn't guide a thought I have, or I hear him telling me to love them anyways, to forgive, to be kinder, and to be patient with Lincoln -- for that alone I choose to live each day like there is no tomorrow and to count my blessings because they are truly endless.  

Today my biggest wish for you is to have memories filled with family, friends, love, fun, food and laughter!  For these are the moments we should live for!  

Let It Run Wild

I want to live each day with greater inspiration!  What does that mean?  I'm not sure I know.  What I do know is that I feel passionate and alive and that seems too bold of a feeling to stuff down in my soul and ignore.  I'm not convinced anyone knows why or when inspiration will show up in their life, but when it does I love seeing those around me who run wild with it!  The excitement is an unstoppable force that is contagious and I want to be caught!

Have you ever spent time with someone that you felt is truly inspired?!?  In my experience, they tend to radiate joy, self confidence and a love for life.  They work hard, their complaints are few and far between and when they have them it is because they are human.  Positive people have negative thoughts too, they just don't let those thoughts control or consume them.  These people tend to find the good in situations and give from the heart.  If you are blessed enough to know someone like this ~ spend as much time with them as possible and learn from them!  We all have room to grow.  I find myself spending time with these people more often lately and soaking in all they have to offer!  I am focusing on changing the negativity certain relationships bring to my life and enjoying those that add pure joy!  Silently my heart is saying, "Lord let me be a sponge among the most genuine, giving hearts I know, so I can then be squeezed by someone else who wants me to share!"  

I believe our brains are wired to find what we are looking for life, even if we don't realize it.  If you are always waiting for negativity to take place, your life will reflect on that.  If you are striving to find the positive, your life will reflect on that.  Lately, I have been struggling with my own inadequacy of being all or nothing, and my life is reflecting that!  I also believe transparency is far more relatable than perfection, and I've had some amazing memories created this week, as well as some very unexpected disappointments.  So in turn, I know I need to change my reaction to the situations and focus on what I can control.  There is a quote by S. Harris that resonates with me regarding this.

When I hear someone sigh 'life is hard' - I am always tempted to ask 'compared to what?'

I love this quote!  Sure, someone might say that seems crass of me, or uncaring ... but that is not my intention.  I love it for the raw truth it screams!  I have shared personal trials here, joys, struggles, tears, encouragement, laughter ... we all have ups and downs.  However, in the moments I meet a dying patient, hear of an acquaintance who has lost a child, a man who has lost his job and ability to provide, see a broken stranger who is starving, or turn on the news to find a nation full of hatred and violence -- my heart is brought back to reality.  Now, I will also take a moment to acknowledge that you may very well fit the scenarios I wrote above, or those not listed and my heart goes out to you.  I even encourage you to reach out to those around you, they care more than you know.  The majority of us though are very blessed, and need a simple reminder sometimes that in the moments we feel like life is unfair, we still have hundreds of reasons of why it is SO good.

This morning I had the pleasure of talking to a friend.  Well, lets be honest -- today I did most the talking and she did a lot of listening.  Thank you -- you know who you are.  The conversation bounced all over the place as it always does when I see her.  We seem to take turns talking and both feel like there is never enough time to get through all we have to share!  But today as I was leaving we were talking about standing up for what you believe in, even if it means you stand alone.  For those who know me, I have always been a strong personality.  I have learned to tone it down at times, and there are times this girl cannot be tamed!  The older I get though, and the more life experiences I go through I love that about myself.  I accept that it can be overbearing, but I also believe it makes me who I am -- a better mom, a loyal friend, a loving wife, etc.  I am passionate about my imperfect life!  I am grateful that I can look around at those I connect with and feel inspired, and I want to be unapologetically me.  

I love music and I love the Florida Georgia Line lyrics sung with Tim McGraw that say:

May we all do a little better than the first time

Learn a little something from the worst times

Get a little stronger from the hurt times

Today, I don't know what living with greater inspiration means for me directly.  But I know I am inspired by many things and that I am working on many projects that move me, someday maybe I will be further along to share them with you.  I do know that I don't want to wake up in the morning and go thru the motions.  I want to reach people.  I want to encourage moms.  I want to have fitness accountability with friends.  I want deep relationships.  I want to be someone that another individual sees and says "she is truly inspired"..... and I don't want that for the selfish reasons of being seen or noticed, or acknowledged.  It is not about hundreds or thousands of people reading my blogs, it is about the one who may be touched because they did.  The people in my life that I look up to and can tell you are truly inspired, are like shining lights in my world, and because of that I want others to take their passion and inspirations and realize that maybe without even knowing it you are touching someone else too.  I really believe we sometimes shut down passion or dreams at the thought of failing.  Don't fear failure.  Be afraid of being in the exact same place next year as you are today.  


Forget Everything And Run   


Face Everything And Rise

The best part of life, is the choice is yours!  While I may not have a direct vision today of where my inspiration and passions will take me in the next year, I do know that I am RISING and looking forward to seeing what my mind and heart come up with next!  


Potty Training

If you opened this hoping for tips on potty training, you might as well hit the X in the corner of your screen and run, because this mama has NO IDEA. Ok, ok - that might not be entirely true but it is comical, at least to me because I have decided in potty training if I don't laugh I might cry!  If you have ever potty trained a child you might be able to relate to this post.  I never thought my life could revolve around the toilet so much.  Going number 1 (aka yellow to Lincoln) was a task, but with the help of my mom when she would visit, friends with little ones, working at home, seeing peers at preschool going, etc ... he finally has that down and it felt like a huge success and still does!  Big boy underwear are fun, he feels accomplished, he even cheers for me when I go potty!  I never thought I'd be sharing these moments but they actually give me the giggles.  Listening to a toddler say "yahhhhh mommy went yellow" is nothing less than hysterical to a 32 year old woman.  However, he is only mimicking what he has heard for months of us encouraging him -- and if that is what it takes for him to go on his own, stay dry and get rid of pull-ups than cheer as loud and as much as you want little one!  

With every success in life, comes some type of set back or failure.  Number 2 (aka ucky to Lincoln) is a totally different story.  I never thought I'd talk about poop so much with anyone, let alone my son, other moms and anyone who may understand what we are going thru.  I feel like moms either say their little ones just got it right away, or number 2 came months after being pee trained.  A few weeks ago I thought I would never survive this part of having a toddler.  He knew better than to poop his pants, so he took his underwear off and went on the floor.  Now living in Arizona we have tons of tile, had it been on the tile, I might have been a little less disgusted, but of course it wasn't.  After cleaning the carpet multiple times I had a new resolve to entice him.  I had tried positive reinforcement of taking him to ride a pony, explaining why we potty in the toilet, telling him daddy does it and other people he admires -- none of which was working.  Next I bought a box of 12 cars - Cars Theme - and told him every time he goes poop in the toilet he could have two.  Still was not working.  Then one day he did, and then he went again two more times, and smugly to myself I thought BOOM, we've got this!  That only lasted a few days ... ha ha!

I paid up on his promised pony ride that he did not let me forget, and he has a handful of cars that he reminds me of each time he goes on the toilet ... yet we are still having accidents and failure.  While they are less and less, we are daily working on being a complete big boy and are looking forward to saying goodbye to pull-ups for good!  If you are in the potty training process, be patient.  While some kids do not get it as fast as we would like them too, I know in another month or so, this too shall pass!  


Heart of Gratitude

The month of November is here!  I have no idea how it came so fast, but I am excited for Thanksgiving and all that it reminds me to be!

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Gratitude is a quality that I believe everyone can practice more of.  It has the ability to enhance and maintain happiness, allows us to see the good in bad situations, and reminds us what truly matters in life.  While it doesn't always change the scenario of what you are going thru, I firmly believe it can change your outlook on how you handle it, and can make each of us stronger through the process.   

I have been overwhelmed lately with gratitude and feeling blessed.  Human nature is always pushing us to want more, be more, do more.  In fact I had multiple conversations this week with different friends about their goals, mine, what we should do in the next year in regards to jobs, family, friends, fitness, etc.  I am a big fan of setting goals and reaching them successfully, but it also reminds me I need to live in the moment more often!  Gratitude is key to doing this!  Self help author Melody Beattie said, "Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."  If that doesn't touch your heart, I urge you to read it again, over and over until it does, because it holds a truth we can all relate to.  

I have been spending more time lately focusing on gratitude.  Honestly the more positive I am, the more grateful I am ~ the more blessed I can see my life is and the happier I feel!

I want to encourage you today that if you are struggling with gratitude, take a few minutes each morning to think of or write down 5 things you are grateful for.  This can be done lying in bed, or over your morning coffee.  Maybe when you are out and about for the day practice gratitude.  Ways to do this may be making a family in need a meal, making sure the waitress hears you say thank you and smiles because he/she knows you mean in.  It might be a gift from the heart that you are bursting to give someone who doesn't expect it, or maybe it is simply taking a negative situation in your home and talking about how you can turn difficulty into a reminder of what you do have.  There is no right or wrong way to express or feel it.  Gratitude is a journey, different for everyone!  

Week one of November has come and gone.  However, there are still 3 weeks for me to GIVE!!! I will be giving away 3 gifts to 3 winners!  All you need to do is share in the comments why you are grateful, how you expressed gratitude recently, or how you plan to practice gratitude in the future.  You may comment starting now until November 24th.  Obviously if you wait till the end you will only be entered for the last gift.  I have yet to officially choose my gifts, but plan to share some of my favorite items!  Possibly pertaining to fitness, perfume, and who knows what else I will feel like sharing with you when the time comes!  Please feel free to share with your friends.  I am not on Facebook, but if you share this on Facebook add the word (share) to your comment and I will enter you twice!  If I do not know you personally, you can still win, please just make sure to check back or leave your name so I can reach you!  I'd love to see more comments than ever on this post!  Overwhelm me with your hearts of gratitude!  

Dates to Watch For: Give a way 1 - November 11 Give a way 2 - November 18 Give a way 3 - November 25 

My Beautiful Family

"In this family we do real, we make mistakes, we say I'm sorry, we have fun, we give hugs, we believe in second chances, we do happy, we extend forgiveness, we do really loud, we are family, and we represent LOVE."  I don't know about you, but family photos are hard to schedule in my family.  The last time we had photos scheduled a year ago, my husband ended up on a business trip that couldn't be cancelled and I went ahead without him.  So this October we had agreed on a weekend we knew we'd be in Flagstaff Arizona and scheduled in advance!  I was so excited!  I do not have very many photos of all three of us together, and I wanted some great ones to blow up and hang in my house, use for Christmas cards and send to family.    

I will be honest, picture day felt like an utter disaster with a toddler.  I planned ahead and made sure Lincoln took a good nap, had a full tummy, and even packed "fun" snacks as bribery - I am fully admitting I am not above it.  Less than 15 minutes into the photo shoot, the snacks became the enemy - lesson number one, don't bring snacks because then he was so focused on them they became a distraction.  From that point on, we had barely begun and I was sure none of the photos would turn out.  My husband often teases me that I am a pessimist, and while I actually prefer to be the optimistic, this day he was right.  Lesson number 2, don't doubt the photographer.  To my pleasant surprise family photos were a success.  In my head if I even got a few good photos I would be happy, but really I have multiple to choose from.  

After looking through the photos for a few days, I realized how silly my feelings were.  Human nature likes perfection.  But isn't it our imperfections, our inner hearts, spontaneity, and smiles that make us beautiful?  I even love the photo of my son crying ... at the end of the photo shoot he was done, completely frustrated and broke into tears.  That day I had to laugh instead of being upset.  Jason asked the photographer to capture that moment, because it was real, and it’s adorable in the aftermath.  We are always our own worst critics, the smile wasn't full, our eyes are squinted, my hair wasn't right, his shirt was un-tucked, I should have lost ten pounds ... you get the point.  I read a blog by a photographer once that in overview said, if everyone waited till things were perfect in their lives and they looked the best they ever had, so on so forth, than most of the world would miss precious moments with loved ones.  Life changes, tragedy takes place and anything can happen in the blink of an eye.  This reminder is what made me set all those silly things aside and realize I love all of the moments capture with my guys.  And while there are photos and poses that turned out better than others of course, I am grateful for these beautiful memories.    

I wanted to share my lovely family with you all so you know who I write about, where my passion comes from, why I love this adorable little boy and why I am a very blessed mama and wife.  Meet the Vedadi's! 

"Fill a house with LOVE and it becomes a HOME"

We wish you success on your family photos if you have little ones!  Remember every family is beautiful.  I will do my best to remind myself next year not to worry about the outfits, the smiles or the end results ... and to enjoy the process with less stress.  

Photo Credits: Julia Romano Photography

Organ Donation - A Gift of Life

You may wonder why I chose this topic to write about, but I am truly passionate about organ donation.  This is not a political piece, merely an emotional subject for me based on my career and love of medicine.  I realize the power behind the statement of donating the gift of life.  If you do not agree, I respect your opinion fully, and believe that is why individuals have to make the choice for themselves.  I personally, am proud to be an organ donor.  While I hope to live a long, healthy, and vibrant life -- accidents happen and life can change in seconds.   What sparked my passion on the subject?  In 2012 I was first hired at Mayo Clinic Arizona.  While I had been performing ultrasound for years, I had never scanned a fresh transplanted organ.  This was a whole new learning curve for me, which I loved.  I returned to Mayo Clinic in 2015 after taking 2 years off with my son living in North Dakota, I soon realized the love of what my job entailed never went away.  I now work part time and still spend lots of quality time with Lincoln!  Best of both worlds if you ask me! 

We have all lived the daily chaos of work.  Sure work is just work sometimes, but my patients are people.  While I see many individuals for multiples reasons, transplant patients are a large volume of my workflow.  I love the emotion they bring out in me.  I have cried with those I've gotten to know well, I've been excited when I see they received a transplant, and even strangers whose stories of waiting years for the phone call -- choke me up because they are real people, with spouses, children, and grandchildren.  In a world of pain, they want to live for the hope of tomorrow.  The gratitude they feel and the life given back to them is overwhelming.  Most donors never know the story of the individual lost, but the majority realize fully that another families sorrow is what saved their life.   A topic that deserves its own piece another day.  (For those reading who wonder do some transplants not take or do some people not follow the rules, of course these things happen and again are not being touched on in today's post).

Mayo Clinic is the largest integrated transplant provider in the United States.  While I perform ultrasound and you may not think that applies to transplants -- it actually does on a large scale when it comes to liver, kidney, and pancreas transplants.  It is not uncommon to scan the "new" organ in a patient the same day the individual comes out of surgery and multiple times after looking for appropriate blood flow and any complications that could cause an organ not to thrive (there are many other factors not discussed here that factor into post transplant care as well).  I am so proud to be a part of a remarkable team saving lives!  

I thought the following statistics were very interesting:

  • Approximately every ten minutes someone is placed on the waiting list
  • You may save up to 8 lives through organ donation

Obviously there is a ton more information on this topic, many more statistics and a million opinions out there as well.  Today I simply wanted to touch on the topic, and express if you've never thought about being an organ donor, please do.  Your heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, skin, and other organs could all change someone else life in the event that yours was tragically taken.    

I have attached a couple links below with more information if you would like to read more about being an organ donor.  

http://www.organdonor.gov http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/organ-donation/art-20047529

"The things we take forgranted, someone else is praying for"   Unknown

Believe In Yourself


I've spent the last week contemplating over and over what does it mean to believe in yourself, and why is it so important?!

I think back to my childhood and teenage years and while I am sure there were times of failure, I don't remember a single time my parents told me I wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or smart enough.  In fact, I remember having no idea what I wanted to do after high school and my parents saying you can do anything and believing it!  I contemplated medical school at the time, and there was never a doubt in their words that I couldn't do anything I put my mind too.  When I moved away, they let me go.  To this day my mom is one of my biggest supporters, and I can still hear my dads voice with advice and reason in my head.

Today's society plays on emotion above and beyond what I think is healthy or appropriate.  Girls need to be size zero, with perfect hair but less sex appeal.  Boys need to be the best athlete in school, and if you are too "nerdy" you aren't cool.  Moms need to work less but do more, dads need to provide better, but be home by dinner every night.  If you have too many kids you are unstable, if you don't have kids there must be a reason ... the list could go on and on.  Insert an area of your life that feels chaotic at times and I am sure someone out there judges you for it or believes you are wrong.

SO WHAT!?!?  Yes, you read that correctly, and I capitalize it because I truly believe the words!  SO WHAT!?!?  Why do you listen to other people saying you can't, you'll fail, you won't make it.  Why are you searching for validation from a world that doesn't believe in you?  A lack of belief in yourself will only limit you and cause distress.  Welcome to 2016 where it is 100% ok to have confidence!!  I encourage you to take a look at your life and embrace the things you love about YOU!

If you read about success, whether it is health, business, friendship, life --- the biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that the successful individuals are determined to make the situation work for them no matter what!!  They believe in themselves and the process, even though they may fail along the way.  Bottom line, successful people know when to change paths, but never quit.

I Believe In Myself?  Do You?

We all deal with vulnerability and failure, its human nature.  Having confidence can be a beautiful thing when combined with humility and kindness.  I know that my life is not perfect and I have no desire to pretend it is.  But I believe in me, and because of that I know I will always be able to move forward and figure out the next step.  I surround myself with like minded people because they encourage me along the way and support me.  I also surround myself with loving people who don't think like me at all -- because they provide me insight I would have never thought about.  They allow me to visualize a bigger picture in this crazy world we live in.  Key point here though, is the people I surround myself with are encouraging and kind through the process of support.  I do not expect them always to agree with me, in fact I am grateful at times they don't, but because they are caring and express concern in appropriate ways, I know they still believe in my ideas and values!  A genuine support system is key to your confidence and success.  

I'm often asked, how have you moved 8 times in 8 years, or don't you get upset over this or that, how do you eat chicken that much, are you angry at God that your dad died or your son has health issues, why do you work part time, why don't you volunteer more ... pick the topic and people ask questions, oh how they ask questions!  I have learned to love questions!  For it is the answers that make me real, that keep me grounded.  I have cried countless tears over my life, I have stuffed my face with pizza and wine, and spent hours training for a marathon or lifting weights to satisfy my fitness desires.  I prayed for years that my dad would live till he was old but knew his heart issues could take him any day.  I have grieved a typical life for my child, and I have battled my husband, lost friends and downright not wanted to get out of bed some days.  The real question is WHO HASN'T?  I love being real.  I love being me.  No one guaranteed us a fairy tale life.  We can't always control our circumstances, but we can control our reactions to them.  In the same regard I have graduated college, met amazing people along the way, I have traveled the country and built memories with individuals I wouldn't have met if I hadn't moved.  I have laughed so hard I couldn't breathe and I have experienced so much joy.  I have the best friends a girl could ask for, and live in an amazing city!  I have a successful career, a job I love and my health.  I have a beautiful son who has defied the odds that medical standards placed on him, and I have a loving home.  I love being on the lake, drinking wine, running outside and simple joys like kicking a soccer ball with Lincoln.  I wake up each day and choose to live!  

I believe my life has meaning.  Somedays I don't know what that meaning is, lol, and other days I can tell you exactly why I do what I do.  I have learned that I prefer to see the bright side, and bring encouragement to others.  I want to touch just one person who is going thru a rough time and say, its ok, you will make it to the top again, I promise!  Just believe in yourself.  If I can instill in them even an ounce of confidence and rekindle a fire in their soul, I have succeeded!

"Be humble in your confidence, yet courageous in your character."

I want to leave you with a thought by Gabourey Sidibe  (actress).  "People always ask me, 'you have so much confidence.  Where did that come from?'  It came from me.  One day I decided I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl.  It doesn't have anything to do with how the world perceives you.  What matters is what you see."

August Give-A-Way!

Do you consider yourself a Blessed Mama?

I Sure Do!!

There are no words to adequately describe motherhood.  While many have tried, being a mom is a complex mix of emotions that differ at times depending on the situation.  Joy, fear, laughter, pride, chaos, love, frustration ... insert many other emotions into this list and we have only just begun to touch the surface!  However one word I love to use on a daily is BLESSED.

My life is not perfect, and I guarantee if you look all around you, no ones life is.  We all weather storms at times, and then forget them when the sun shines, because that is life.  It is our experiences that make us stronger and compassionate -- and through the good and the bad, I have learned to appreciate perspective and one thing I can count on in my life is that I am truly blessed.  With friends, family, a job, etc ... you get the point, but my greatest blessing is my sweet, crazy Lincoln!  

Ahava Design Some time ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica in person.  She is the owner and designer of Ahava Designs.  When I ordered my custom made bracelet, I had no idea she was located in Phoenix!  I love supporting small business owners, and I love finding people who have a vision and passion for what they do!  I encourage you to visit her website below, to view all the treasures she creates and read about her mission!  


Blessed Mama.jpg

In the comment section below, tell me why you are a blessed mama!  Your comment will enter you to win!  I will choose the winner Sunday August 28th.  If you know me well you know that I wear my blessed mama bracelet all the time, with pretty much anything and everything!  It is one of my favorite pieces!  Because I love mine SO much, I want to share it with one of you!!