Empower Others

Empower Others

This is one of my all time favorite quotes. As you begin a new week, I encourage you to think about others. Set aside your selfish feelings of how they could be better, do more and fulfill your needs. Instead, be kind, reach out to them, be selfless and strive to meet their needs! You never know what another person is going through, or the story that makes them who they are. Love others! I attended church this morning and the message moved me, oh how I fail daily. Thank you Jesus for your grace! We can walk down a grocery store isle and be annoyed that someone is in the middle, yet they may be broken, moments away from tears and our grace may be all they need to get through that encounter. When is the last time you honked at someone on the crowded freeway or used words you shouldn’t in anger over frustrating circumstances? Raising my hand here in complete honesty — this is me! Did you lose patience with your child? Your friend? Your spouse? Everyday I give myself a pep talk of what I could do better!



When I think about life, I know it can be hard and completely unfair at times! I have experienced hardship firsthand, and I know that we all have unique struggles that color and create our story. That is the beauty of life! We all struggle, but we also all have the opportunity to persevere and shine! If blood runs through your veins, you will at some point in life feel defeated, be defeated or defy. One thing I believe the majority of people have in common though, is the understanding and necessity of perseverance. Somewhere along the way, you have had to dig deep and push on. You have survived! You have succeeded! But where did you learn those life skills? If you were blessed with great role models, you likely learned it from your parents, or sadly, if you were raised in an opposite environement, maybe perseverance was a means of survival. Something I cannot relate to, but deeply respect. Regardless of the how, most of us as adults will take pride in teaching our children the same values. Perseverance is all about working hard despite disappointment or failure. It teaches us to keep trying even if takes days, months or years to succeed.



The topic of friendship has been on my heart and mind lately - please take a moment to grab your coffee, glass of wine or beverage of choice as this is a lengthy post! I do my best to respect the time my readers have, but some topics require more words! So without further ado, I hope you experience sincerity, laughter and encouragement as I examine the depth and authenticity of friendship.

This year I am determined to take more time to express my appreciation and support of those dear to my heart. I look forward to hosting more events and bringing those I love together! I have been blessed with amazing friendships over the years and I pray that God continues to grow them and bring new individuals into my life that are unique and beautiful. My heart bursts in gratitude for all I have learned, even when the lessons were difficult. Some friends have known me for a lifetime, others a few years, and some relationships are brand new! While I am excited about those friends above, it is important to share honestly that I have also failed at friendship. I do not call enough, I let too much time pass without checking in when friends are far away, I’ve missed major moments, and I need to be better about prioritizing my time. With failure comes humility and in some cases, I have re-kindled a bond of friendship once lost, while others are imprinted deeply in my heart as a mere fond memory of the past. I have had to move on when I was not ready and for periods of time I have been angry, crushed, saddened and misunderstood.