The Importance of Water

The Importance of Water

Did you know that our bodies are made up of 60-80% water? (numbers vary based on different research) Living in Arizona, the climate is very dry and it is important to hydrate!  Regardless of where you live though, it is important for everyone.  In a world of energy drinks, coffee, soda, and alcohol - it is easy to forget about plain ole water!  During the holiday season, I found myself constantly forgetting my water.

Face It and Rise

My alarm rang at 4:15 am this morning and I'd be lying if I said I popped right out of bed excited for the day!  Instead the truth is, I had set it for the same time both Monday and Tuesday as well and turned it off and went right back to bed telling myself I was too tired from the weekend, and that I'd gotten home to late from the championship NCAA basketball game.  However, excuses only go so far when you want change and today I decided to tell myself "you've got this".  Once I was up, dressed, and out the door I still felt groggy but I am determined to start a new routine.   As I wandered into day 1 of boxing this morning at 5 am, I was excited!  While I'd love to tell you I was a natural, the reality is I was not.  While I am in shape, athletic and have grown to love lifting ...  keeping your hands up to protect yourself, punch correctly and keep your legs loose were quite the challenge.  Kicking came easier and the cardio circuits in between were great for elevating my heart rate.  I was dripping sweat and I cannot wait to conquer the technique of this sport!  So tomorrow I will try again, and the next day, etc until I get better!  

Why am I boxing you might ask?  I really don't know.  Something about change inspires me.  I love the gym, I enjoy being healthy but I get bored.  I love switching things up and nothing humbles you and allows you to help others more than when you basically suck at something.  I recently went back to my roots of playing volleyball on Wednesday nights as well, only I play in the sand in Arizona which is completely different than indoor, including the rules.  Weeks have gone by and I love volleyball and the fire it lights in my soul, so I decided to try something new a few mornings a week. I will still lift, and as you all know I will probably use every excuse in the book not to do cardio, but the point is I am out there making the choice to better myself.  I often hear, I don't feel comfortable at the weight rack, people stare at me, I can't run a mile, I don't know where to start ... you get the picture.  Yes, I am extremely comfortable in the gym, and I can run a few miles (though I despise it), and I don't care what people think because I am there for me, but I wanted to feel what others feel so I can have a better response to them.  Today I felt like the new girl, my punches were corrected multiple times, but I didn't quit and I will absolutely be back.  The other people boxing were encouraging and the reality is we all start somewhere.  That is the beauty of it.  Don't let fear hold you back in anything, whether it is fitness, friendship, career, life, or fill in the blank. Sometimes it is our own insecurities that hold us back, not the reaction of those around us, because today I was welcomed to a new sport with open arms.   

I love the quote that describes F.E.A.R. in two ways.  You can Fear Everything and Run or Face Everything and Rise.  As I drove home to the sun coming up, I was smiling because those who know me well know I hate early mornings, but the sun rising was beautiful and I was completely enjoying it.  Sitting on my patio with a cup of coffee writing this, feeling inspired, I wish I had a picture of my surroundings to show you because I feel so peaceful ... but my adorable, crazy, loving and yes sometimes naughty toddler threw my phone like a baseball last night leaving the screen black.  So for now I will let your imagination run wild as you picture a gorgeous blue sky filled with pink and orange streaks, breeze lightly blowing, me a sweaty mess, and my coffee cup sitting on the table next to me reads "you don't look a day over fabulous".  Be fabulous today!  If you want change then chase it.  Don't let fear stop you from living, because we all have fears and today I am facing mine and enjoying every minute of it! 



Staying On Track With Meal Prep

When hunger hits, being prepared with a fridge stocked full of healthy, filling foods ready to eat can mean the difference between eating something nutritious or choosing something full of empty calories that will leave you unsatisfied and coming back for more.  Food preparation is a key component to staying successful and on track with your health and fitness.  

I do not consider myself a chef by any means.  While I can cook when I entertain, and I believe my food is tasty, I do not enjoy spending hours a day/week in the kitchen.  My husband and I live a busy lifestyle by choice, which leaves us with limited time, but we still need to eat healthy!

V Food 1  (1).jpg

The above meals prepped include: healthy buffalo chicken cooked on the bbq, grilled asparagus or salad, and sweet potato or rice.

Tips For Success:

  1. Make a grocery list weekly and keep it simple and easy.  
  2. Find what works for you.  Simple as that.  Some people prep the food and cook it daily, others cook in bulk so its easy to grab and go when needed. 
  3. Have food storage containers on hand to portion your meals ahead of time.  I prefer to use simple containers that stack easy to leave room in my fridge.  Smaller containers are great for chopped vegetables, nuts, or other snacks as well.  Ziplocks work well too!  
  4. Prepping some food is better than not prepping at all.  Give yourself credit, and don’t feel guilty if you fail.  If you don’t quit and keep trying —  food prep will become a healthy habit you enjoy!
  5. Crock pots or bbq are great tools to succeed with bulk cooking! 
  6. Target the time of day you struggle with most and start there.  Breakfast?  Dinner? Snacks? When are you most likely to grab take out or eat a snickers.  If you don’t know where to start, I would start here.  Then add more meals in as you feel comfortable.  

Grocery List Ideas:

Turkey Burger
Sweet Potatoes
Fresh Veggies – I love zucchini, asparagus, salads, brussel sprouts, green beans, cucumbers
Eggs/ Egg Whites

You get the idea.  Lean protein, healthy carbs and nutritious veggies!  There are so many healthy and tasty recipes available these days eating clean should be fun!  Stay tuned for one of my favorite healthy turkey muffin recipes!  

What Can 30 Days Do For You?

Do you find that life is an endless opportunity to change? grow? learn?  _______  fill in the blank with the word that fits you!   I took a fitness challenge from a dear friend to work hard for 30 days.  I still lived my life as normal, took Lincoln to appointments, worked every other weekend, etc., but I made a change in my food plan and I worked even harder than normal in the gym.  I wasn't hungry, I ate real food and lots of it, I did not starve myself or do a crazy diet plan -- I simply took out junk and alcohol from my lifestyle, and I loved the changes I saw.  I feel so good and energetic that I plan to do another 30 days.  I believe a healthy lifestyle can include splurges like wine and ice cream, or whatever you love, I simply for the 30 days challenged myself to stay away from them -- if you know me, you know red wine was looking for me!  Part of living is being realistic about what you can and can't do.  Being healthy is not always easy, however, I feel so much better and it ignites the fire in me to continue the path.  If it was easy everyone would do it right?!?  

I have been challenged for a second time by someone new.  I look forward to sharing those results with you!  Who can you challenge, support, grow with or learn from?  If you aren't changing constantly than you aren't living!  I love seeing how I can change, both physically and mentally.  I am stronger than I ever dreamed -- and the best part is, I did it for me because I believed I could!

Selfish or Necessary? Both!

It has taken me a full two years to officially put myself first, and I must admit I am loving every minute of it!  Selfish?  Yes!  Necessary?  100%. As moms, wives, friends, career woman, etc we often put everyone else above our personal well-being.  This is an admirable quality, however if one is not careful, it is a quality that becomes a draining part of life.  No woman (or man) can give, give, and give without burning out or needing to refuel.  And that is OK!  We are human, but burnout often leads to negative changes in our lives.  

The past few months, I have started eating very healthy, and making sure I workout multiple days a week regardless of how busy I am.  Sometimes that means 6 am, others 9:45 am, and some days it might be 2 pm.  The point is I am making sure I do it.  My life has been very busy, so you may wonder why this is so important, but the reality is, I am a happier person because of it!  Allowing myself an hour a day to MYSELF for just ME, rejuvenates my spirit and allows me to give more to others!  I am happier, not to mention healthier.  

The past two years of life seem like a whirlwind.  Lincoln's weekly appointments keep me on the go, my part time job is busy, and life as a wife and friend keep me on my toes.  I often ate bad when I was tired, did not work out because the couch sounded better, or the motivation would come and go, but recently I have been forcing the days I do not want to go and suddenly I am more joyful!  I have been asked in the past few weeks if I have lost weight, what I am doing, and been told that I seem to have endless energy and my skin looks great!  All reasons to keep going right?  But beyond that I can admit that for the first time since having my baby boy who is now 2, I feel sexier again, am fitting into clothes better and yes ... have more energy!  

I have always loved working out, but I often have given it up when the going gets hard.  This time I am pushing through and making a conscience decision to put myself first.  That does not mean I am more important than my son (which would never be true) or my husband or friends, it simply means that by giving something to myself I am able to give so much more to others because I am happier, more energetic and feeling satisfied with my life!  

I encourage you to look at your own life.  Do you make time for YOU?  Or do you make excuses of why working on YOU needs to wait?  Speaking from experience I recommend changing your pattern.  If working out isn't your thing, take 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to read a book, go for a walk, sew ... whatever satisfies your soul!  For me that is working out, and while I am thrilled to have lost weight and found my routine again ... this post is about so much more.  When your tank is on empty you have nothing left to give, find a way to fill it by putting yourself first and you will be far more productive to the ones you love!  Believe me, it WORKS!


Invest In Your Health

I took some time today to finally try Barre class.  I have listened to friends rave about it and read about great results ... but as many of us, I have found multiple reasons I could no't make the class.  An errand that is more important or an appointment for Lincoln I needed to make.  Last week I was even headed out the door to attend when I felt myself coming down with something that turned out to be the flu my husband had two days before.  So today I met a girl friend and stepped out of my comfort zone into a workout that was unknown to me!  I love fitness as a whole, and all that a healthy lifestyle has to offer.  I have run a marathon, multiple 1/2 marathons, love lifting weights, and am signed up for a Tough Mudder in May.  Today's workout was different though ... I got to take my socks off, and actually take my time with each breath!  Sounds girly?  Easy?  Not in the least.  My legs were shaking, I was dripping sweat, and at moments I had to take a break.  I loved it, because it was new and different.  I believe in trying something at least once before you form an opinion, but based on today's experience, I plan on attending class again on Thursday.  Barre will be a great addition to my current workouts and I look forward to getting stronger and being able to push myself further with something new! What are you doing to keep your workouts interesting?  Have you tried something new lately?  If not, I encourage you to invest in your health.  I am a happier person, and a better mom and wife when I workout.  Even though I have many reasons I need to, those alone are enough to keep me motivated!  


Fitness Warrior

I am on a mission to be a fitness warrior!  Sounds amazing right? Part of me knows it sounds cheesy, like a cartoon character, and hard like a true athlete, but I still cannot help but giggle at the thought because it sounds fierce, strong, and completely crazy!

The holidays are over, the hustle and bustle is starting to slow down and that often leaves us with this big holiday letdown sitting on our couches watching Hallmark movies and re-runs - eating left overs and drinking!  (which I love by the way)  However, 2016 is fast approaching and with that for many come new years resolutions that are often broken or last only a few weeks, dreams of getting in shape, going back to the gym, giving up drinking or chocolate, whatever yours may be ...  but I really am on a fitness mission, not just for New Years, but for a lifetime!

I started before the holidays and while I enjoyed a festive Christmas meal with friends, I am back to a lifestyle of health and wellness.  Inspiration Lincoln!  My baby boy, who really I can hardly call a baby anymore, has motivated me to push my limits physically and mentally.  Day after day, week after week I take him to therapy.  He works hard, he gets a sticker, we go home and he takes a nap, eats whatever I make him for lunch, but rarely is he cranky or whiny he just walks into therapy with one of 3 ladies depending on the day and works hard!  He is only 2!  I would expect tantrums, or clinging to my leg, but instead he takes their hand, waves goodbye and off they go to "play".  Each session is 1 hour and I usually wait for him, run errands, or sit at the nearby Starbucks drinking my Americano.  It was during one of the those hours waiting for him that I went for a walk instead, outside in the beautiful AZ sunshine and thought I really have no excuse because I do have time for a workout!!!  The only difference is I have a CHOICE,  Lincoln doesn't.  I take him and if he does have a bad day he is still forced to go.  As adults, we live in a world of choices and excuses.  While I understand that life is busy, fast food is easy, comfort food tastes better, and maybe finances hold you back ... you still have a choice, and in the long run being unhealthy, overweight, maybe living in depression .... will end up costing you more than the healthy choices you make a long the way.  So I ask you today, what positive changes can you make in your life in 2016?  It doesn't have to be a fitness goal.  My fitness goal is personal, I have my reasons that I can't wait to share further come March, but I truly have excitement and inspiration and on my bad days it keeps me moving forward and working hard.  If you look at your own life, you can find inspiration as well, maybe renewing a friendship is important to you, or cooking more healthy meals for your family, playing outside more and with technology less, having monthly date nights with your husband to rekindle the flame ... these are simply examples!  Instead of thinking of New Years as another failed goal so why bother, go into 2016 with lifestyle changes that matter and stick to it!

I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments below!  What inspires you for 2016?