Kitchen Staples for Healthy Eating

I've had a lot of recent conversations about food!  People asking me how I stay on track, do I meal prep, does eating chicken get old, you get the idea!  

I try my best to meal prep and I do my best to make my healthy choices fun and tasty!  So much has changed over time, and there are many seasonings, dressings, sauces, etc that you can use to make your food taste delicious!  These conversations encouraged me to share a few of my favorite items that I try to keep on hand, and use weekly!  

As any healthy person will tell you, clean eating can be boring.  If they tell you it is easy or great 100% of the time, they are lying!  Yes I will say it again, they are lying!  Life is centered around food!  Gatherings, holidays, celebrations, work parties, pool days, and boating, all have food and drinks in common.  I had every intention of eating clean on my recent trip to WA, and I did somedays but other days I wanted to see my friends, family and eat out at my favorite restaurants!  Food is fun!  I love dessert, wine, trying new appetizers, french fries ... and all things that taste amazing!  I am a foodie at heart.  I often tell my husband date night/girls night is about the experience.  While he thinks I am crazy ~ food design, taste and calories are part of the fun ~ they just don't fit into my fitness goals!  So I try to keep my splurges at a minimum and save my inner foodie for special occasions!  

Spices: Do not overlook your spice cabinet!  I avoid salt if possible, but Mrs Dash has great sodium free seasonings.  I love using cumin or cinnamon on my sweet potatoes, and cumin, dry mustard, and red pepper flakes mixed in with my turkey burger (among other things like oregano etc).  Curry is another favorite of mine not shown below!  Be creative! When you are eating healthy, seasonings are a great way to switch up the flavor of the same bland food.  I have posted a handful of my favorites but there are tons of options to choose from!  

Spices .jpg

Sauces: Excess calories often hide in salad dressings and sauces.  Depending on what your goals are will determine whether you eat full fat dressing or a healthier alternative.  If you are looking for healthier options below are a few of the items I turn to!  Salsa is a good alternative to dressing, hot sauce adds flavor to chicken or eggs, Bragg Liquid Aminos taste like soy sauce, Walden Farms makes a Thousand Island dressing I like and a low sugar BBQ sauce (among some dressings I don't like but lots of choices -- usually found in the baking isle not by other salad dressing).  Not pictured but another staple I use is sugar free syrup.  Everything below can be found at most grocery chains.   


FOOD IDEAS: While there are recipes galore on Pinterest these days I have added 3 of my favorite go to foods for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack times!  

Healthy Snack Ideas: These are some of my favorite go to snacks.

  • Ezekiel Muffin with Avocado and Lemon Pepper
  • Chocolate Protein Shake with peanut butter or a handful of nuts
  • Tuna with mustard and pickles or cucumbers - could also add a healthy tortilla
Ezekiel Muffin with Avocado and Lemon Pepper

Ezekiel Muffin with Avocado and Lemon Pepper

Breakfast Ideas: 

  • Protein pancake with peanut butter and sugar free syrup (I love to use birthday cake protein powder by ISO-100 to make mine, it feels like a splurge) 
  • Oatmeal with blueberries and egg whites (I like to mix mine) 
  • Ezekiel English Muffin and 2-3 eggs/whites (can make it a breakfast sandwich)
Protein Powder.jpg

The Fudge Brownie Flavor is GREAT as a Protein Shake 

Lunch Ideas:

You will notice I mainly eat chicken and turkey burger but lean beef and fish are great options as well.  Lunch and dinner items can be switched to your liking (I personally don't enjoy fish, but wish I did for the health benefits)

  • Turkey burger with avocado and small salad
  • Spaghetti squash with lean ground beef and spaghetti sauce 
  • Lean beef or turkey burger taco lettuce wraps (you can use a tortilla, but I like to make mine in a bowel with lettuce, black beans, veggies and salsa)
Buffalo Chicken

Buffalo Chicken

Dinner Ideas:

I shoot for 4-6 oz of Protein, I do not always add a carb to my dinner

  • Buffalo Chicken over rice and asparagus (did I mention I am in LOVE with buffalo sauce lately ~ I think I eat it once a day) 
  • Shredded BBQ chicken, cinnamon sweet potatoes and green beans (you can find low sugar bbq sauce that is a tasty, healthier choice) 
  • Fish and vegetable of your choice (my favorite vegetables are green beans, broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash and brussel sprouts) 
Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Prepped Cucumber Cole Slaw

Prepped Cucumber Cole Slaw

 Misc Tips:

  • Drink your water!  Water will help you feel full and avoid mindless eating on top of the health benefits.  Try to drink your water plain, but if that is boring add lemon or a flavoring like Mio to reach your water intake goal.  
  • Chew sugar free gum to help fight sweet tooth cravings. 

Life is full of choices!  These are merely suggestions.  They will be appealing to some, and awful to others.  One thing I have learned is I love recipe ideas and success tips from those going through the process because they are excited to share what works for them and what doesn't.  Failure is part of the process.  If you have any tips or recipes to share with me please do!  For those who look at healthy eating and feel like it sounds impossible, keep your chin up.  I prep 1 - 2 times a week (see prior blog about food prep) and I allow myself a cheat meal on Sunday night of my choosing  ~ pizza, burger and sweet potato tots, froyo, whatever I am craving in the moment ~ it satisfies my cravings and and helps me stay on track instead of binging! 

Flagstaff, Arizona

I am married to one of the most hard working men I have ever met.  Sure every wife says that --- but truly my husband is all about the hustle.  Sometimes to the point I think to myself, how can I slow him down?  When I met him he believed in "work hard, play hard" and I loved that about him!  From WA to MT to AZ to ND back to AZ to ID and now northern AZ I have watched him build businesses and projects and dream successfully!  Sure I have moved 8 times in 8 years, and sold homes before I even moved into them because the market was hot, I have grieved moving away from friends and family, and hated negative 50 degree windchills, but today I was leaving the gym from an hour spent with one of my most beautiful friends, holding my sons hand and I was smiling because deep down -- in the depths of my entire being I felt truly satisfied, and happy, lucky and blessed and content in the life we have chosen.  Does it have chaotic moments, sure!  Whose life doesn't?  But does taking risk and working hard have huge rewards?  Absolutely -- and I am proud of my husband!  I have also taken many positive experiences and friendships with me as I've moved and I still miss little things from each place.  

We now live in sunny Scottsdale, AZ and have no intention of moving states again.  (never say never I know)  There was a time in our lives where we wanted to seize the opportunities and felt we could easily do so, however now we are looking for opportunities closer to home.  We love our friends, jobs and the life we built here years ago and finally have settled back into -- with added friendships, business and positive changes.  

Pine Canyon 

It was no surprise when my motivated husband came home weeks ago and said "Flagstaff Arizona" as a new project opportunity.  Inside I cringed.  That's somewhere North right?  Is there anything to do?  Sounds like a town in the boonies!  You are too busy to take that on.   As usual he ignored my comments, continued his due diligence and has since shown me the beauty and appeal to a town that is much bigger than I imagined.  After all it has a college, how small can it be?  

Our family spent last weekend there with some friends and had a splendid time!  Phoenix temperatures are on the rise (might hit record highs this week 117, 120) and Flagstaff is cooler, a reason many families rent or own homes there for summer - with a bonus that they can ski in the winter months.  There were pinecones and pine trees, wildlife running around, the downtown shops were quaint, and the restaurants excellent!  The golf course was green and easily accessible which is huge to Jason and the pools were perfect with two kiddie pools and a splash pad for Lincoln.  Needless to say, as I have done many times in the years I have known Jason, I ate my words!  Every night we gathered on the deck with friends and a glass of wine or a soda, and did NOTHING!  Do you know the last time I saw my husband do NOTHING and enjoy it?  Flagstaff reminds us of Missoula, MT a place Jason went to college, and the town I lived in when we met.  We are looking forward to building memories as a family and filling our home with tons of friends in our new found summer getaway.  

Prickly Pinecones

Learning to Ride

Sticks are meant to be swung and thrown right? 

Mom, Ma, Grandma!

My mom came to visit this last week!  Prior to arriving she received great news that she was 1 year post stage 4 colon cancer treatment and surgery with no evidence of disease.  For those familiar with cancer and medicine, this is truly a miracle.  While doctors plan to keep close tabs on her, we continue to pray her recovery continues!  She still has so much life ahead of her, and we can't imagine not having her!


"Lincoln Free" Lunch!

The simple joys in life often come from children, or puppies, things of such nature ... and my Lincoln didn't take more than a day to figure out who "Ma" was ... grandma is too complicated of a word still, and I am mom, so "Ma" it was from Tuesday - Saturday.  Who knew a two letter word could sound so sweet?  Of course it's not the first time he's spent time with her, however this time he really was able to grasp who she was to him!  It was beyond precious for sure!  After she left he was still walking around asking where's "Ma" and checking the guest room, despite the many attempts to explain she had left on the airplane.  Thank God for technology -- Skype, FaceTime, phones, etc, we are sure spoiled with how well we can keep in touch even when distance separates us.


Park Fun!

Before arriving my mom had expressed interest in seeing the Grand Canyon.  When she first asked to go, I thought the drive sounded unpleasant with a toddler, however in hindsight, I am so glad she asked! Even though I live in Arizona, I had never experienced it myself.  What an amazing place with views full of so much beauty they take your breath away.  I now have a desire to hike rim to rim, or raft the Colorado to see it from a totally different perspective.  Kudos to mom for a great idea!  P.S ~ Lincoln was a great traveler!  Although I will admit, people who take their children to the Grand Canyon either have constant anxiety about the open edges, or keep their child locked in the stroller as I did unless we were taking a photo!  

Grand Canyon 2016


Elk at the Canyon!


We stopped both on the way to and from the Canyon in Flagstaff to eat lunch and on 

the way home I was able to show my mom 

where Jason (my husband) will be building some 

homes this coming year ~ projects we talk about but

sometimes it is nice to put a view/ location with 

the project.

The rest of our visit was spent running errands for my home, enjoying multiple coffee's in the sunshine while Lincoln attended therapy, swimming in our pool and playing at a local splash pad!  My mom seemed very happy and content while she visited and we were grateful to get to spend quality time with her!  We were very lucky to have wonderful 80 degree weather the entire time she was here ~ which allowed us to be outside more instead of being confined indoors.  

Not to mention Lincoln was quite enamored with potty training the first few days "Ma" was here!  Since then, he has been less than pleased over my attempt to make him sit and potty, however I appreciated my mom's effort and patience with my son the entire visit!   Sometimes it's just better with Grandma I guess!  

" Grandmothers 

create memories 

that the heart 

holds forever " 

Five days goes too quickly when you are having fun!  We are looking forward to visiting Washington this summer and hopefully "Ma" will visit Arizona again soon!  


Life: Full of Obstacles, and a Little Messy

When I signed up for the Tough Mudder Half I had every intention of training appropriately to do it!  However, time flew by, life was busy and suddenly it was here!  Thankfully I do work out so it was within reach to complete the 5 mile course without dying.  Friends and coworkers from my husbands office created our team this year.  Ranging from 31 to 60+ years old. Which is even more of a reason to say, what is your excuse of not pushing further? Exercising harder, or exercising at all? 

Still Clean 

Found Some Mud
At the start line, a DJ played pump it up music, ran us thru stretches, a little dancing, and had everyone in great spirits with excitement overpowering the crowd.  But what I loved most about this fitness race is the spirit of team work.  I have never participated in a Tough Mudder and part of the speech the DJ gave before starting was that no man should be left behind, doesn't matter your fitness level, if someone needs help, stop and help them!  Sure it might sound cheesy, but once you are on the course, you realize a lot of people need help over walls, climbing out of the muddy banks, among other challenges, and everyone stops and takes a turn to help those they don't know before moving on.  I loved this because isn't the same true about life?  If someone needs help, shouldn't we as humans set our selfishness aside and take the time to help others?!   Some people (like my team) decided to help what felt like everyone before moving on, ha ha, but that was part of the enjoyment!  While I am very competitive in nature, this was the first race I've really just done for fun.  No one on my team was competing for the best time, or to finish first, we laughed, made mud angels, painted our cheeks with mud war paint, and stopped multiple times for our fabulous photographer, who is a dear friend that jogged the course with her precious 6 month baby just to capture the fun for all of us!  

Sweet Andi Helping Mommy Photograph

Now I won't lie, that the 5 mile course sparked a fire in me to do this every year!  Who knew running in the mud, having war wounds on your knees, elbows, shoulders, etc. could be so much fun!  Next year I am already recruiting a competitive team to run the 10 mile course!  Then I hope to enjoy the 5 mile course with my less competitive friends the next day, as yes people really do it two days in a row!  Below are just a few of the many obstacles and fun moments we enjoyed.  

 Mud Tunnels

 Waiting Patiently 

 Human Pyramid

Friends & Mud 

Don't wait for life to happen, make your life happen and LIVE!  And LIVE to the fullest!  You never know when tomorrow may be too late.    

Peddle Pub

Is it exercise or a place to socialize?!?  Maybe a little bit of both!  Working those quads while smiling, chatting and laughing hysterically with friends!  I'd say its a great way to lift your spirits and feel the burn!  I highly recommend it!  

I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon Saturday with 11 lovely ladies.  When I started planning this months "girls day" I tried to think outside the box.  What haven't we done, what would allow us all to enjoy the amazing Arizona weather, while still being able to catch up without the overpowering noise of live music, or too small of a place.  A friend had suggested the peddle pub for my birthday this year, but it just wasn't the right timing even though it did sound fun!  So I decided to ask her thoughts on a bigger group for girls day, then started reaching out to friends to see who would be interested ... it did not take long for 13 lovely ladies to respond and we were booked.

What happens on the bike, stays with the bike.  Just kidding!  I had no idea what to expect from peddle pub when I decided to book the group ... but upon arriving and signing waivers, we were met with two handsome gentleman to drive, supervise the crew and play photographer for the afternoon.  They were ready for us with fun, upbeat music which I assure you we sang too ... at times quite loudly!  The tour was 2 hours, and each place we had a time limit to enjoy a beverage, air conditioning and friendship!  Hands down the ladies agreed 2 hours went by too fast, and couldn't believe it was time to head to dinner.  I am happy to announce peddle pub was a perfect success!   

I absolutely love my friends and pictures are such fun memories.  I have something wonderful I could say about each lady who joined.  For those who couldn't make it, I was secretly sad because they missed an amazing day.  Friendship makes the world go round.  While I was a common denominator for many of the ladies who joined, some of them brought someone new and I loved that part too.  Meeting new people is a joy!  Yet it seems to get harder as we get older, to branch out and find things in common with new people!  Hence what truly inspired me months ago to plan girls day number 1.  The first outing started with 6 people, and since then has easily doubled in size.  Sometimes it feels like a lot of work to plan what to do, where to go and make reservations, but then we all get together and have the most amazing time that I can't wait to plan that next adventure.    

Do you have a group of ladies you enjoy?  Or does life seem to busy and stressful?  I assure you my friends are from all walks of life.  Moms, professionals, single, married, in college (you get the point) but we all need time to replenish our tanks so we make time!  I encourage you to start a girls day for your group of friends wherever that may be.  It is truly a highlight in my life!  

Just Like Old Times

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."  Elisabeth Foley 

Keeping in touch with friends can be hard, but it is worth the effort.  While we have hundreds of friends on Facebook these days, or social media, I am talking about the old or new -- true friendships that add meaning to your life.  The ones you can count on your fingers.  Life changes, people move, get married, have babies ... and sure some friends are only in your life for a season ... but take time to notice and enjoy those that are meant to be lifelong friends.  Through both the good times and the bad!  

Easter weekend I had the pleasure of taking a very quick trip with an old friend to San Antonio.  While the trip itself is not what either of us expected, it felt like old times.  We talked, laughed, made silly videos, enjoyed wine ... and my favorite past time with her -- made popcorn and fell asleep to a movie in bed, both acting like we were completely going to make it past midnight.  There was a time in my life that Nikki and I did this weekly.  Boyfriends were busy, work was left at the door, and we preferred staying in just hanging out having popcorn or mac n cheese for dinner.  And while times have changed, we both have wonderful husbands, I have a son, and our jobs are much more demanding ... not too mention mac n cheese goes straight to my hips these days ... there is a peace in knowing that regardless of the rough patches our friendship has been through in over 8 years, we still have the core values that a friendship requires.  Wine and popcorn!  Just kidding!  We both know we would be there for each other no matter what -- when it really matters.

One thing I have learned is that life wouldn't be nearly as interesting, exciting or emotional without friendship!  As children we are taught to share with our friends, be kind, accept differences ... and as adults I think we need to be reminded that the values taught to us as children are just as important if not more important when we get to start living our own lives.  

Next time you run into an old friend, reconnect with them.  Or make time for your current friends to do nothing ... like the old days ... because those moments can create some of the best memories! 

Failed Moments of Being a Mother

You never know what being a mother means or entails until you are one.  This statement seems so obvious right?  Yet how many times can you look back and admit you've done something as a mother you swore before having children you would never do?  Or judged another mother for doing?  

Every Wednesday morning my son has therapy at 8 am.  It is a rare occasion that he is awake before 7 am but we have to leave by 7:30 to make the appointment.  Most Wednesdays this means I am waking him up and he is usually cranky.  It was a few weeks ago that I had tears in the therapy office because something new we were trying was utterly failing and with 4 appointments a week, I wasn't just over the attempt, I was over therapy in general.  So on this day, I propped my son on the counter with a bribe that mommy had bought him a doughnut.  Instead of being cranky, he rubbed his eyes a little and started in on the sugar rush!  I loved the faces he made as he enjoyed each bite.

The true reminder in these photos is the sign behind him though.  He is only 2 years old, so he doesn't understand that being cranky when he wakes up is a choice, he only knows his routine of waking on his own has been disrupted.  And to further my feelings of defeat he not only got to eat a doughnut for breakfast, he was allowed to eat it on the counter!  (Not a typical routine for us, however, you pick your battles some days).

There are many moments as a mother I can look back on and wonder if I am failing.  I have let him play my phone in the grocery store, bought him a treat when he didn't deserve it, let him not hold my hand because he wants to be independent, and given in to his iPad demand when I need a moment to take care of my adult tasks ... but on most days I know I am succeeding!  Sure these moments are not my proudest as a mother, but when daycare tells me my son is so sweet and gives hugs, or therapy tells me he works hard ... my nanny tells me he shares his trains at the park with other kids and he has a huge heart for animals, I know I am raising a good little boy.  Small daily failures don't define who you are as a mother.  Society has put so much pressure on what I call the "perfect pinterest" mom.  Live each day choosing joy, fighting your personal battles, and doing the best you know how by the little ones you love!  Teach them right from wrong, and what love is ... tiny moments of failure will not be what they remember.   

Sisters in Telluride

 I recently had the pleasure of a weekend away with my sister in Telluride, Colorado.  I couldn't resist sharing the beauty of the mountains or the quaint appearance of the town!  

The weatherman knew I was coming from Arizona, so we enjoyed 48 degrees while skiing!  Was absolutely wonderful.  

The surrounding mountains were gorgeous!  

Downtown Telluride had great shops with unique brick buildings, I loved it!  

A tree made from ski's
Bakery was very cute, and of course who doesn't love homemade doughnuts!  


Does your family like football?  Love football?  Super bowl is around the corner ... playoffs are down to the elite teams left.  We live in Arizona so Lincoln likes to support the Cardinals who are doing very well this year, but daddy loves the Broncos so we support them even more!  Hoping both teams win this weekend! Who are you cheering for?  

Ocean Beauty

I had the pleasure of taking a quick trip last weekend to San Diego!  The ocean was just what I needed for a weekend away.  The waves were gorgeous, the tides were high, and the sound was absolutely peaceful.  Add in the sunshine, laughter of children, chatter of adults, time with my husband and friends and all in all I came home feeling rejuvenated!  

Morning Sun in Carlsbad

Beach in La Jolla

What's Not to Love?

Adorable Coffee House in La Jolla ~ If I was local I'd love this spot!  

Fun Toddler Books

Lincoln is a typical busy 2 year old, but when it comes to reading or coloring he will sit still for long periods of time and chatter to himself.  It is quite impressive!  For his birthday and Christmas this year we asked for some new books.  His collection needed some new material in it and I thought I would share some of the books he received.  As moms it can be hard to know what little kids may like or what is age appropriate.  This is a start if you are looking for some new ideas!

Some other books Lincoln loves include:

  • Rock-a-Bye Farm by: Diane Johnston Hamm

  • Sandra Boyton books (there are a lot of choices)

  • Goodnight Moon by: Margaret Wise Brown

  • Llama Llama books by: Anna Dewdney

Obviously there are many great authors out there and fun books for children!  If you have a favorite please feel free to share it with me.  Reading is a wonderful tool for small children.  Even though Lincoln cannot truly read the words to himself yet, the benefits of books are endless.  Children learn language, letters and sounds by listening to others say them.  When asked Lincoln can point out cars, animals, planes, colors, etc. so he is learning what the pictures in the book are.  It is amazing what little minds take in that we don't even realize!  Reading, talking and singing are all very important things for childhood development, even if you don't have hours to read with your child everyday, establishing a set time at bedtime or a quiet time before nap time can be a fun routine for all!