Empower Others

Empower Others

This is one of my all time favorite quotes. As you begin a new week, I encourage you to think about others. Set aside your selfish feelings of how they could be better, do more and fulfill your needs. Instead, be kind, reach out to them, be selfless and strive to meet their needs! You never know what another person is going through, or the story that makes them who they are. Love others! I attended church this morning and the message moved me, oh how I fail daily. Thank you Jesus for your grace! We can walk down a grocery store isle and be annoyed that someone is in the middle, yet they may be broken, moments away from tears and our grace may be all they need to get through that encounter. When is the last time you honked at someone on the crowded freeway or used words you shouldn’t in anger over frustrating circumstances? Raising my hand here in complete honesty — this is me! Did you lose patience with your child? Your friend? Your spouse? Everyday I give myself a pep talk of what I could do better!

Don't Be Beautiful

They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be.

But honestly? Forget that.  Don't be beautiful.

Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy, be interesting, be funny

be adventurous, be crazy, be talented, be kind ---

there are an eternity of other things to be other than beautiful.

And what is beautiful anyway but a set of letters strung together to make a word?

Be your own definition of amazing, always.  

That is so much more important than anything beautiful, ever.  

Nikita Gill 





What a simple 

way to tell another 

struggling soul that there 

is LOVE to be

found in this world.


Every act of kindness grows the spirit

 and strengthens the soul.


May we never forget as humans to be kind.  The world tries to define our character, but stay true to yourself.  If someone is unkind, respond with kindness.  If you have an empty tank and are drained emotionally, share your smile.  When someone is on your nerves, be patient.    Kindness is never wasted, and even the smallest acts of kindness, gifts from the heart or a loving attitude go a long way in a world full chaos.  

Be Amazing


Everyday we have a choice!  So put your best self forward.  Stand tall for what you believe in even if you stand alone.  Believe you can accomplish your goals, follow your dreams and make life happen!  Today is a simple reminder that


are enough!  You are strong and capable!  All you need is EFFORT!   

Good With The Bad

Happy Thursday! A huge thank you to all who shared yesterdays post on Facebook and other social media sites.  It hit record views for my blog.  

While I woke up feeling blessed over the love for yesterdays post, I wanted to encourage those today who woke up feeling a little discouraged.  I love this quote and the reminder it stands for! 

Bad days.jpg

You are so much stronger than you know!  

Mindful Moments

This saying is displayed in my sons pediatric therapy office ... and I love reading it every time I take him.  For the record this is 3 days each week for 4 appointments ~ a perfect smile to my soul that good things never get old.

Each and every thing, 

each and every person, 

is totally unique.

When we compare them to something else, 

we no longer see them 

for what they are. 

Happy New Year

As I close the chapter on 2015, I want to take a moment and say thank you to my friends and family for the support and love they have given me in many ways!  I am excited for 2016 and am moving forward with no expectations or particular resolutions ... not because I don't have goals but because I do not want to limit what may present itself to me!  I believe 2016 is going to be a big year, and I am looking forward to change, growth and living!