


Welcome to “We All Have Special Needs”.


 I formed this blog in 2015 after experiencing multiple hardships very close together! 

While there are key moments during those times that inspired me to make changes and share my story with others, the truth is I learn something new every day and I enjoy being able to encourage other individuals!

The beginning seems so simple as I look back now. 

I was young, in love and full of laughter, life and passion!  I would even admit to being a little naïve.  We had dreams and goals and my husband and I were making them come true with a lot of hustle.

Today, I am blessed to still be married to an amazing man. 

The man who stood beside me when the tears fell and everyday felt like the ground was missing below me.  Life has since taught me there is no time to say “tomorrow” – because tomorrow does not always come.  We have a beautiful little boy and though we fail at times, we cannot imagine life without him.  For those who may ask, Lincoln is our one and only for now, and possibly forever.  We believe family goes far beyond blood and our “family” is huge.  



While there are many years of history prior to 2013, my blog inspiration begins there. 

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Jason’s career was booming, I had a dream job working for Mayo Clinic, a leading edge medical facility, and we were ecstatic planning for our future! 

In 2013, we made a decision to move to North Dakota for business and later found out we were having a baby boy.  Life had brought us many unexpected changes but we were happy and excited. 

A healthy pregnancy turned into a 37-week nightmare when my son was not moving.  

After moments of panic, many tears and checking into labor and delivery in a neighboring town, I was monitored, tested, and quickly taken in for an emergency cesarean (C-section).  My precious baby boy was born not breathing.  The medical team was able to revive him and after failing two APGAR tests he finally passed the third.  That evening my husband and son were transferred by plane to a NICU at a larger facility.  Having just had major surgery I was required to stay in the local hospital, with high hopes of an early release.  My husband kept me updated as best he could, and within a couple days I was with my son. 

The medical care in North Dakota was not at the level we were comfortable with and we quickly made the decision to transfer Lincoln to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  

Rochester was a whirlwind … doctors, imaging, blood work, you name it we were well taken care of.  Within a week Lincoln was released with a diagnosis of a renal vein thrombosis  (in layman terms his left kidney would never function normally) and no other pertinent issues that could be found.  He was 5 lbs. 3 oz. the day I took him home.  I was told multiple times it was a miracle he was alive. 

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Feeling grateful for my “healthy” new son, I decided to spend the holidays with my parents in Washington.


I spent an amazing seven weeks with them, where my mom and dad were able to bond with Lincoln and I was able to relax and enjoy being a new mom. 

To new moms this means drinking your coffee in silence and being able to shower for longer than five minutes at a time.  During our visit we had some unexpected emergency room visits and my sons healthy appearance was in question.  My husband joined us for Christmas and we both returned back to our home in North Dakota.  One week after I returned, I received a life changing phone call — my father was gone.  My rock, my lifeline, the man who took me to work with him, who told me I could be anything, that I could call no matter what - was no longer a phone call away.  The news hit me like a hurricane, my world was rocked, and my heart felt shattered.  My life was forever changed January 23, 2014.

Fast forward a few months and Jason and I noticed that Lincoln was favoring one side of his body.  

We returned to Mayo Clinic for additional testing where MRI diagnosed a stroke in utero.  There was no known cause and no explanation other than strokes are more common than we ever knew.  The guilt was over powering as a mother.  I replayed my entire pregnancy in my head wondering what happened and where I went wrong.  Medical professionals told me it was not my fault, and I knew they were right.  I was healthy, and my placenta had been tested as well as many other things with me at the time of birth.  While the news was devastating, my husband and I were grateful for an answer and we quickly began planning for our future.  We chose to relocate back to Arizona where we found appropriate therapy, physicians and a sense of home.


Side note for those wondering …

I am at peace today that it was not my fault and I did nothing wrong. 


Prior to our move back to Arizona and in between Lincoln’s diagnosis, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in August 2014. 

If life wasn’t hard enough after losing my father, within the same year my mother began chemotherapy and radiation in a fight for her life.  I am happy to report today that my mother is a miracle and she is currently still disease free.  We are grateful to have her in our lives!

I currently live in Scottsdale Arizona. 

I am extremely blessed to be a stay at home mom to Lincoln, as well as work part time for Mayo Clinic.  I took two years off from my career and enjoyed every second of my son.  I made the choice to add hours to my schedule as Lincoln began attending preschool, and I am grateful to be working with patients again and pursuing my passion of healthcare.  I truly believe I can make a difference to people fighting sickness and I wholeheartedly love my career.  In the same breathe, Lincoln attends therapy 3 times a week and I love being able to take him!  I never wanted someone else to take my place, as it is important to follow through on therapy at home.  We attend occupational and physical therapy regularly and once a year we attend constraint induced movement therapy. 

We have recently added stem cell therapy and Botox treatments into our plan. 

I thank God everyday that my husband is very dedicated to our family and advocates for Lincoln as well.  We are a team and because of him I am able to be very hands on with Lincoln, as you will see.  Therapy is a large part of our life, but we love the sunshine and adventure!  Lincoln excelled in swim lessons this year and I look forward to someday being a soccer mom or whatever activities he wants to be a part of!  Next year we’d love to start him in golf lessons and possibly chess as daddy is advanced in both. 


Life is full of so much beauty and it is so fun to see it through a child’s eyes. 

Today I am stronger than ever.  Yes, I have bad days, tears still fall, I miss my dad immensely and I wonder “what if” things had been different for my son.  Somewhere amidst the pain I lost friends, made new ones and a piece of me changed!  Yet, in the midst of the storm God provided for me.  My marriage was strengthened, my friendships became raw and my life took on a new purpose.  Change is scary, and grief is heartbreaking.  I believe I have a story, and if it can help even one person, than I want to share it!  My future goal is to start a foundation that Lincoln can be a proud of - that will help many families for years to come! 

Life is a journey and I encourage you to live it with no regrets.  Do not be afraid to break.  Hard times may change you, but it is how you come out of them that allow you to shine, and I am shining bright!


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