Alabama - Take Three!

Alabama - Take Three!

Ever year the month of February brings the Phoenix Open to Scottsdale, crazy amounts of traffic and tourists, the Superbowl, and for our family — a trip to Birmingham Alabama! Be honest, did you break into song with the legendary Lynard Skynyrd when you heard the lyrics above - “sweet home Alabama … where the skies are so blue”? I have to admit everytime I hear the song I cannot help but belt it out, it’s such a feel good beat! However, if music is not your thing, perhaps you prefer romance and turn to mush over the handsome Josh Lucas and his enticingly sexy blue eyes, understanding without question why Reese Witherspoon falls for him all over again in the movie! I mean who doesn’t want a man that loves his dog, flies a plane and can create hand blown glass kitchen items and decor, while becoming successful on his own! If you have no idea what I am talking about, I may question our friendship - and if you don’t know who Josh Lucas is, we really need to plan some quality low key girl time - also known as movie night. I’ll provide the comfy couches, blankets and place to relax - you bring the popcorn, wine and an open mind to one of my favorite chick flicks of all time! My list of favorite movies is a blog post in itself for a later day — Wimbledon, Pretty Woman, The Lucky One, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, I could go on — but I am way off subject now — so enough about that and back to Alabama!



The topic of friendship has been on my heart and mind lately - please take a moment to grab your coffee, glass of wine or beverage of choice as this is a lengthy post! I do my best to respect the time my readers have, but some topics require more words! So without further ado, I hope you experience sincerity, laughter and encouragement as I examine the depth and authenticity of friendship.

This year I am determined to take more time to express my appreciation and support of those dear to my heart. I look forward to hosting more events and bringing those I love together! I have been blessed with amazing friendships over the years and I pray that God continues to grow them and bring new individuals into my life that are unique and beautiful. My heart bursts in gratitude for all I have learned, even when the lessons were difficult. Some friends have known me for a lifetime, others a few years, and some relationships are brand new! While I am excited about those friends above, it is important to share honestly that I have also failed at friendship. I do not call enough, I let too much time pass without checking in when friends are far away, I’ve missed major moments, and I need to be better about prioritizing my time. With failure comes humility and in some cases, I have re-kindled a bond of friendship once lost, while others are imprinted deeply in my heart as a mere fond memory of the past. I have had to move on when I was not ready and for periods of time I have been angry, crushed, saddened and misunderstood.

The Presence of Loss

The Presence of Loss

"Let your moments of pain remind you to practice deeper gratitude, compassion, acceptance, meaning and forgiveness."  Dr. Amit Sood (Mayo Clinic)

There is so much power written in the phrase above it takes my breathe away.  While I have read it over and over, and I know the meaning it holds, I have to admit --  it is not always easy.  One thing I do know though, is the trials I have been through and the grief my heart has faced do make me think twice about being a more understanding and compassionate person!  

My Wish For You

My Wish For You

To My Sweet Little Boy, You were my biggest dream!  Sure I dreamt of college, a wedding/marriage, vacations, building a home and a life, but all of those things included wanting a child at some point in my life!  While a dream come true is amazing, you are even better than I could have ever dreamed!  Everything I wish for you, you have helped me grow into!

Love Unending

My Father

What would I give to clasp his hand,

His happy face to see,

To hear his voice, and see his smile

That meant so much to me.

The rolling stream of life rolls on,

But still the vacant chair

Recalls the love, the voice, the smile

Of the one who once sat there.

Nothing can ever take away

The love a heart holds dear.

Fond memories linger every day,

Remembrance keeps him near.

Author Unknown

January has approached and with that comes the dreaded month of an anniversary I don't celebrate and a date I try not to remember.  January 23rd, forever ingrained in my soul as one of the worst days of my life.  A black cloud that covers my heart and brings about emotion that I have worked hard to get through in a healthy way for 3 long years.  The reality is the feelings of missing my father are always there, the ache of wanting his advice, or to have him visit my son never go away, but for some reason as the anniversary approaches the feelings become more suffocating and I long for February to be here.  

I have been asked before how I handled or still handle a loss so severe.  Yes, a lot of people lose parents and loved ones, but each person's grief is their own journey.  One day at a time.  I have no specific advice because there is no correct way to grieve and heal.  There are no secrets or magic to take the pain away more quickly.  When friends have lost someone dear to them I merely reach out and say I am here, because no words seem appropriate, and the wrong words cause more pain.  To many outside eyes I am fine, I was strong and still am.  But to those dear to me or even to strangers having been through something similar --- they know fine is a term the strong use when they feel weak.  In a lot of areas of my life I wear my heart on my sleeve, I openly express my love of family and friendship and the meaning it brings to my life, my fitness passion, my son and husband, my downfalls, etc -- but grief is something that is private for me, and just because I don't talk about it does not mean I don't feel it deeply. Grief is something I do not want to explain to people who cannot understand and to people who fully get it, no explanation is needed!  

"When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways -- either by losing hope and falling into self destructive habits or by using the challenge to find our inner strength."  Dalai Lama

It didn't happen over night, but somewhere along the line I made the choice to live my life remembering my dad daily.  While I don't talk about it openly unless asked, for the pain is raw, I truly want to live a happy, loving life as a tribute to his memory.  My father would want nothing less for me.  I know he was and is proud of me.  I choose to keep the memories alive, and remember him for all he was to me.  It is not fair that my dad died so young, but it is reality and as we know life is not fair.  I don't want to live in sadness and bitterness -- the death of someone dear to your heart can create ugliness in you if you let it.  Fight hard to work through those feelings.  Last year, I was so upset (in general, not at him) when my toddler accidentally deleted the last voicemail my dad had ever left me when I was dealing with Lincoln's health issues.  I could not recover it, though I tried, and I felt sick to my stomach.  But time does heal, in its own way and I can still hear him, for he was never a man of many words anyway.  I have blogged before about things that change you, such as death, major health issues, life in general ... and I know first hand that opinions and your outlook on life do change with these major events.  Grief is one aspect of life that increases our awareness to all things, and makes us prioritize the important.  Life is precious.  Cherish it.  One thing I am proud of is my heart has grown.  I love bigger, I am confident in who I am, my heart beats with hope and I am healthier for my family.  A quote by Rose Kennedy states, "It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree.  The wounds remain.  In time, the mind protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens.  But it is never gone."  I appreciate her outlook because the pain does lessen, but the scar will always remain if you truly loved someone. 

I read a very interesting article recently about losing a father.  It shared how cultures handle the loss differently, how people don't remember words in the moment but they remember kindness and many other details.  One thing I found intriguing that the article wrote about was after losing your father you view your mother and siblings from a different angle.  A strong woman beside a man may now appear weak, or a timid mother may now appear strong in his absence.  The list went on and on and obviously is dependant on the relationship two individuals had.  It also touched on how siblings and individuals or friends view the man differently, what I remember may not be how my sisters saw my father and their memories may feel distant to me.  Individuals feel guilt over conversations missed, time spent together and some harbor regrets.  I had never thought about these things before in the way the article presented them, but I believe all of the above is true.  My father loved my family and because we all had our own unique relationships with him it only makes sense that we grieve him and move on with our lives differently. 

As another year has come and gone, most days it seems as though 3 years was a lifetime ago.  I have changed and I can embrace that.  And yet, I have moments where the tears fall and on those days I feel like it was just yesterday I received the news.  There is no rhyme or reason to grief.  What I do know is I have a choice.  While I miss him daily, I choose to celebrate him and all that he stood for.  His faith, his loyalty, his friendship and guidance.  If you knew my father take a moment with me to remember an incredible man.  While I know he was not perfect, because no one is, I have no problem stating I thought the world of him.   Heaven became more beautiful the day he died, and his imprint on my heart will never fade.  As I raise my son to remember a man he met only as a baby, I will teach him through my memories and photos about the love of my father -- and his legacy of love unending. 

Potty Training

If you opened this hoping for tips on potty training, you might as well hit the X in the corner of your screen and run, because this mama has NO IDEA. Ok, ok - that might not be entirely true but it is comical, at least to me because I have decided in potty training if I don't laugh I might cry!  If you have ever potty trained a child you might be able to relate to this post.  I never thought my life could revolve around the toilet so much.  Going number 1 (aka yellow to Lincoln) was a task, but with the help of my mom when she would visit, friends with little ones, working at home, seeing peers at preschool going, etc ... he finally has that down and it felt like a huge success and still does!  Big boy underwear are fun, he feels accomplished, he even cheers for me when I go potty!  I never thought I'd be sharing these moments but they actually give me the giggles.  Listening to a toddler say "yahhhhh mommy went yellow" is nothing less than hysterical to a 32 year old woman.  However, he is only mimicking what he has heard for months of us encouraging him -- and if that is what it takes for him to go on his own, stay dry and get rid of pull-ups than cheer as loud and as much as you want little one!  

With every success in life, comes some type of set back or failure.  Number 2 (aka ucky to Lincoln) is a totally different story.  I never thought I'd talk about poop so much with anyone, let alone my son, other moms and anyone who may understand what we are going thru.  I feel like moms either say their little ones just got it right away, or number 2 came months after being pee trained.  A few weeks ago I thought I would never survive this part of having a toddler.  He knew better than to poop his pants, so he took his underwear off and went on the floor.  Now living in Arizona we have tons of tile, had it been on the tile, I might have been a little less disgusted, but of course it wasn't.  After cleaning the carpet multiple times I had a new resolve to entice him.  I had tried positive reinforcement of taking him to ride a pony, explaining why we potty in the toilet, telling him daddy does it and other people he admires -- none of which was working.  Next I bought a box of 12 cars - Cars Theme - and told him every time he goes poop in the toilet he could have two.  Still was not working.  Then one day he did, and then he went again two more times, and smugly to myself I thought BOOM, we've got this!  That only lasted a few days ... ha ha!

I paid up on his promised pony ride that he did not let me forget, and he has a handful of cars that he reminds me of each time he goes on the toilet ... yet we are still having accidents and failure.  While they are less and less, we are daily working on being a complete big boy and are looking forward to saying goodbye to pull-ups for good!  If you are in the potty training process, be patient.  While some kids do not get it as fast as we would like them too, I know in another month or so, this too shall pass!  


My Beautiful Family

"In this family we do real, we make mistakes, we say I'm sorry, we have fun, we give hugs, we believe in second chances, we do happy, we extend forgiveness, we do really loud, we are family, and we represent LOVE."  I don't know about you, but family photos are hard to schedule in my family.  The last time we had photos scheduled a year ago, my husband ended up on a business trip that couldn't be cancelled and I went ahead without him.  So this October we had agreed on a weekend we knew we'd be in Flagstaff Arizona and scheduled in advance!  I was so excited!  I do not have very many photos of all three of us together, and I wanted some great ones to blow up and hang in my house, use for Christmas cards and send to family.    

I will be honest, picture day felt like an utter disaster with a toddler.  I planned ahead and made sure Lincoln took a good nap, had a full tummy, and even packed "fun" snacks as bribery - I am fully admitting I am not above it.  Less than 15 minutes into the photo shoot, the snacks became the enemy - lesson number one, don't bring snacks because then he was so focused on them they became a distraction.  From that point on, we had barely begun and I was sure none of the photos would turn out.  My husband often teases me that I am a pessimist, and while I actually prefer to be the optimistic, this day he was right.  Lesson number 2, don't doubt the photographer.  To my pleasant surprise family photos were a success.  In my head if I even got a few good photos I would be happy, but really I have multiple to choose from.  

After looking through the photos for a few days, I realized how silly my feelings were.  Human nature likes perfection.  But isn't it our imperfections, our inner hearts, spontaneity, and smiles that make us beautiful?  I even love the photo of my son crying ... at the end of the photo shoot he was done, completely frustrated and broke into tears.  That day I had to laugh instead of being upset.  Jason asked the photographer to capture that moment, because it was real, and it’s adorable in the aftermath.  We are always our own worst critics, the smile wasn't full, our eyes are squinted, my hair wasn't right, his shirt was un-tucked, I should have lost ten pounds ... you get the point.  I read a blog by a photographer once that in overview said, if everyone waited till things were perfect in their lives and they looked the best they ever had, so on so forth, than most of the world would miss precious moments with loved ones.  Life changes, tragedy takes place and anything can happen in the blink of an eye.  This reminder is what made me set all those silly things aside and realize I love all of the moments capture with my guys.  And while there are photos and poses that turned out better than others of course, I am grateful for these beautiful memories.    

I wanted to share my lovely family with you all so you know who I write about, where my passion comes from, why I love this adorable little boy and why I am a very blessed mama and wife.  Meet the Vedadi's! 

"Fill a house with LOVE and it becomes a HOME"

We wish you success on your family photos if you have little ones!  Remember every family is beautiful.  I will do my best to remind myself next year not to worry about the outfits, the smiles or the end results ... and to enjoy the process with less stress.  

Photo Credits: Julia Romano Photography

Happy Birthday Lincoln

It is hard to believe my baby boy's 3rd birthday has come and gone!  Fall has been as busy as our summer was, if not more so ... and I am way behind on blogs!  Lincoln turned 3 on October 5th!  Yes, I am very aware that today is the 17th -- but I wanted to take a moment and say how much I cherish him!  There are days where time stands still and I wish for less tantrums or stubbornness, but then I remember how fast the time is really going and I want it to stand still so I can enjoy every detail and moment with my son.  I miss the hours he would sleep on me and his first giggles, but even the frustrating moments of having a toddler do not compare to the amazing joy he brings us.  Lincoln is so full of life, love and everything that defines a crazy boy!  His energy is exhausting but he is so much fun!  

While age is just a number, 3 is starting out very well for my big boy.  Lots of potty training success with super hero underwear, preschool success, learning to share better with friends, staying in his big boy bed at night ~ among other things.  Sure some kids figure that out younger, while others take longer than 3, but the joys of being a mom is you can relate to what I am saying!  Either you are in the process of trying these things, or you have had success!  Hopefully you have learned along the way as I have, that children cannot be compared to other children, they all learn at a pace that suits them and only them.  I am a proud mama of my 3 year old and while I never imagined his journey being as tough as it has been, he wakes up every day with a vengeance and an energy that is unmatchable.  His determination will take him far in life and I am excited to stand beside him and tell him he can do anything he sets his mind too.

His 3rd birthday party was a perfect disaster.  To some the term disaster sounds negative but I love it -- because my world is a beautiful disaster called life.  Real and open, full of love and friendship and raw emotion!  We had a house full of 20 people who all love my son and he ran from room to room, in and out the back door as his dad bbq'd, played with his best friend ripping open presents, hitting a big spider man balloon full of giggles like it was the funniest thing in the world, and ate homemade blue cake -- his request that a dear friend made him because she loves him that much when mommy was ready to go store bought!  I love standing back in these moments and seeing my house full of so much love.  There were people who couldn't make it, family far away, but one thing I was telling my own mom recently is how blessed my son is to be surrounded by so many individuals who truly love him.  Huge shout out to all involved in his life -- because they do far more than just celebrate birthdays.  

His actual birthday fell on a weekday, and I had the pleasure of an old high school friend being in town with her two boys.  We took the kids to the zoo and had a blast, among just hanging out and enjoying a local splash pad.  Then my son was lucky enough to say goodbye to one set of visitors and receive his "Ma" (my mom aka grandma) with open arms where he again was celebrated and loved with lots of park dates, playing super heroes and teaching "Ma" where the local ice cream shop was.

To say I am blessed doesn't even describe how my heart feels.  Being a mom is the greatest gift.  It is work, a full time job, exhausting, frustrating, and down right tests my patience multiple times a day, but isn't it still amazing?!?  One little smile, kiss, please mommy, adorable hug and my heart melts.  Every failure I never knew I was is displayed because I am a mom, yet every moment of success makes me feel like I am superwoman!  

So happy birthday my sweet, crazy Lincoln!  May 3 be even better than 2 was!  


I have no idea how this day has come and gone already, but my sweet Lincoln had his first day of preschool August 2, 2016!  After multiple conversations with my husband, mom, his therapists and friends, I made the decision to put Lincoln in preschool.  While the decision was mine (and Jason's), I appreciated perspective from the surrounding people in my life who love and care for him.  The common denominator was that he is SO outgoing, social and full of endless energy that it was simply time. I must admit I was, and am excited for him!  Sure my heart is filled with a little panic of "how is he this big already" but he is a sponge and I fully believe he will thrive in a more structured environment!  I look forward to each week hearing new words or phrases he has learned, more letters and numbers and hopefully not too many bad habits! 

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Week 1

At the end of every day, Lincoln gets a report card.  The teachers mark the child's emotions overall, if they ate snacks and lunch, how long they nap, when they tried to go potty, if there were accidents, etc.  So far, Lincoln has been a very happy, sweet boy.  However, he is not yet a fan of circle time, and so far has "helped" the teacher as his focus was everywhere else but the circle.  I love the updates, because while I want him to learn structure, he is still 2, and I have never taught him circle time, so I chuckle a little at the thought of him being wild.  I'll take "needs work on circle time" over biting and hitting any day!  (yes moms out there thinking just wait ... I am sure that day will come too)

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Week 2 & 3

The weeks are getting better and better!  Lincoln has made friends, has now caught on to teachers instructions, is singing more in the car with me, and saying new words each day.  His teachers mostly report he is happy, naps well, and likes to eat!  Lol, he is my son after all!  Still working on that potty training thing, but he has had less accidents and more times "making it yellow" as he calls it.  Of course washing his hands after seems to be more fun than the task itself!

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Week 4

This week is SLC spirit week!  I thought it was comical he had a spirit week, but I love the fun it involves!  I only take him 2 days a week so he will miss a few fun things, but I will need to shop for Tuesday/Thursday items!  

Monday: Sports Day

Tuesday: My Favorite Animal Day

Wednesday: Princess and Superhero Day

Thursday: Crazy Hair/Hat Day

Friday: Pajama Day 

I have met some mamas who cannot imagine their little ones in preschool.  I understand that there is appropriate ages to take them, but as a mom who was blessed to have Lincoln at home the first couple years, I highly encourage those mamas to think outside of themselves!  Socialization and other adult instruction can be a very positive thing in a child's growth!  We love our preschool so far and look forward to all the JOY it will bring Lincoln! 

Happy Birthday Dad

Heaven holds my father

On his special day

Lord I ask this of you

To tell him I'm ok

Then put your arms around him

And tell him that's from me

Please tell him that I will love him

For all eternity

- unknown -

If you've ever lost a loved one or been involved in tragedy, than it is highly likely you've been on the receiving end of "time heals all wounds".  While time lessons the pain, missing someone you love never goes away.  But I read something recently that it's what you do with your time that heals.  I thought this was an interesting concept.  The author went on to say that time is a vague term, it could be 2 months, 3 years, 5 years .... but like any aspect in our lives we have to work on healing.  Grieving is an active process not a passive one.  While grief is different for everyone I can appreciate this perspective.  I will always miss my dad.  I am thankful to have memories and am doing my best to live life to the fullest!  From personal experience ~  you never know when someone you love might be gone forever.     


I had the pleasure of spending 2 full days with my oldest sister and her family two weekends ago! They were moving states, and as anyone with children has experienced, it is necessary to let the kids out of the car sometimes to maintain sanity!  Here are a few photos of the kids having fun in Flagstaff, Williams and Scottsdale Arizona!  

They went on the slide for hours!

They went on the slide for hours!

Bucket Dump!

Bucket Dump!

Splash Pad

Splash Pad

Snacking while the big boys played!

Snacking while the big boys played!

Play Pool

Play Pool

Adventure Walk

Adventure Walk

Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk Chalk

Squirt Guns!!

Squirt Guns!!

Exhausted from the day

Exhausted from the day

More swimming- welcome to AZ!

More swimming- welcome to AZ!



Beach Toys!

Beach Toys!





Pretty? Scary? Both!

Pretty? Scary? Both!



Lincoln was unsure of the goats!

Lincoln was unsure of the goats!

Born to Fly

How do you wait for heaven

And who has that much time

How do you keep your feet on the ground

When you know, that you were born to fly

Sara Evans


Every time I turn around my son is climbing something and jumping off.  Be it a kitchen stool, a dining room chair, my end tables, the pool deck, the boat ... you name it, he has become a master climber with no fear regardless of how many times his poor skull has collided with my less than soft tile floor.  Of course in true mom fashion, I scold him, kiss his boo boos when he cries, and recently I  removed my end tables from beside the couch entirely when he bounced too high and flipped over the couch giving me a mini heart attack.  Regardless of how many times I tell him he can't jump or climb, he is still 2 and 100% boy and he waits for the perfect moment I am not watching him!  

While I constantly wonder what he may get into next, I love this stage with my son.  He is always looking for adventure with a mischievous smile.  And when I think of him, I truly do believe my precious son is a special boy who was born to fly!  He definitely was not born to sit still.  I read a quote the other day that I think all parents should sit and ponder.  Life is busy and chaotic, and in today's fast moving society our patience runs thin or we snap when we could step back and react differently.  I am guilty at times of this.  But in reading this I thought it makes perfect sense.  

I am a toddler. I am not built to sit still, keep my hands to myself,  take turns, be patient, stand in line or keep quiet.   I need motion, novelty,  adventure and to engage the world with my whole body.   Let me play. Trust me, I am learning.  

I often watch my son from the kitchen about to do something crazy or that he shouldn't, and let him anyways because the look on his face is so determined.  I can appreciate his effort towards the new things and ideas he is exploring.  While I am not promoting bad behavior, and yes do believe toddlers need boundaries, I can also appreciate the concept of such a quote that we are a society that is too uptight and focused on perfection.  I am currently potty training which is an adventure in itself.  As well as trying to teach Lincoln how to sit in a restaurant through an entire meal.  The last dinner ended with me walking him out while he screamed for his dad while he paid the bill.  At first I was embarrassed, but it didn't last long, because anyone who has raised a toddler knows that's part of life.  At the same time, I am playing in more mud puddles, covering myself in chalk and seeing who can spit water further, while my Lincoln giggles himself to pieces.  I must admit, I love those moments far more than trying to get him to sit on the couch or hold still while I fold my laundry and he unfolds it at the same pace.  


Many of you know we consider ourselves very blessed to have our Lincoln.  Complications could have handed us a completely different life.  Therapy each week reminds us of that.  I have had the pleasure of getting to know multiple moms and dads as we wait for our children, and while each child is there for different reasons such as autism, brain injuries, speech delays, cancer recovery, muscular dystrophy ... the one thing we all seem to have in common is we wouldn't trade our children for anything, but we would move mountains to give them normalcy or a different life.  So while I am enjoying my peace and quite while Lincoln naps today ... I hope when he wakes, he wakes with a glimmer in his eyes and is ready for adventure, after all isn't that what being two years old should be about?!?


Give your children the confidence to leap ~ only then will they realize because you believed in them, they really can fly!  

Don't Blink

" ... life goes faster than you think "

I took my sweet boy to get his haircut this last week and afterward he wanted to sit outside and enjoy his lollipop, given to him by the stylist for being good.  I decided to use his stillness as a photography moment to show his dad and my friends and family his cute new hairdo!  So I took the photos wondering the entire time where my baby went!  Everyday he seems to be getting taller and appear more like a little man than a baby.  I love watching him grow, but it is a great reminder that we need to slow down in life and cherish each stage! 



I thought this quote was very powerful and wanted to share it. I did not plan on my Lincoln having disabilities or a brain injury, but he truly has been the greatest joy in my life and is teaching me daily!  So I fell in love with this ~ and I hope if you are struggling or wondering what if about your child, that this gives you encouragement! 

"Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have.  It is about understanding he is exactly the person he's supposed to be.  And, if you are lucky, he might be the teacher who turns you into the person you're supposed to be."

The Water Giver

Happy Anniversary

April 2 marked three years that I have been married to my husband.  We have been together for 7 years so sometimes my true anniversary feels like it should be more than 3 years ... at the same time I look back and wonder, where did 3 years of marriage go?!?  (let alone 7 years as a couple) 

 We have lived in 3 different states, too many homes to count and have had our ups and downs.  What couple doesn't?  Arizona is our happy place though.  We both love our friends here, the weather, and our lives together more here than we have any other place.  The key to being happy isn't where you live, however, feeling at peace about that provides us both better attitudes to deal with the little things that come our way and we are a stronger couple.  We can't wait to see what the future holds!  Pretty sure our family and friends hope that future holds more babies, ha ha!  (we are not so sure it does, lol)

This year we decided to keep our anniversary simple.  We both enjoyed a delicious filet at a popular steak house nearby while our dear friends kept our toddler for the night.  I had wine, he had a predictable diet coke and we shared sides, dessert and conversation!  A perfect evening if you ask me.  In hind sight we thought we could have seen a movie, gone mini golfing and even wished we had gone to the gun range ... but we will have many more years to do that!  

 "I just want to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day." 

~ Unknown ~

Cheers To An Incredible Man

"I close my eyes and I see your face If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow I've never been more homesick than now"

Mercy Me ~ Homesick

Today marks two years that my father has been gone.  Some days it feels like yesterday, some days it seems like a lifetime ago ... but most days it's a buried heartache deep in my soul filled with memories and love.  I'll never forget the phone call on January 23, 2014 from my sister.  In less than two seconds of her simply saying my name, I knew by her voice something was terribly wrong.  Her first phone call was to inform me CPR was being performed, the second call ... brought screams of grief I didn't know I had in me ... my dad was gone. 

I have replayed that day in my head over and over, but I know the what ifs and what could have beens don't change todays reality.  My first love, the man I admired most is gone.  He was only 54.  Since that moment in time, I have changed ~~ a lot.  I have lost friends, made fresh ones that quickly became some of my best friends, and strengthened friendships I already had.  I am stronger and hardened, yet I am weaker in ways and more sympathetic.  I learned that marriage isn't made of the fun times only, but the moments that make or break you ... and with a broken heart I leaned on my husband like never before willing him to take the pain away.  While grief comes and goes, I will be forever grateful that I had a dad worth crying over ... tears the day I lost him, and more tears two years later as I celebrate his life.  I hope in twenty years I still have laugh attacks with my family like he did and keep his legacy alive.  

My dad was amazing.  Sure I am partial, after all he was MY dad, but I truly believe those who knew him felt blessed to call him a friend.  He was a man of few words, but I knew he was proud of me and what he taught me in life is irreplaceable.  Some woman never experience the love of a father, but my dad's love was unconditional.  I am grateful he was there to walk me down the aisle at my wedding and that he was able to hold my son ~ whom I know held a special place in his gentle heart. 

While I miss him daily and often feel cheated, I am choosing to celebrate my father today and all that he stood for.  Cheers to an incredible man -- your baby girl still thinks the world of you, and homesick for you or not I know you are with the angels watching over my sweet Lincoln.

I can still see his two finger wave 


Holding my son just weeks before he passed ...
I'd say dad's favorite thing to do with me was go boating!  But really it was my favorite thing, and he always made time for it and me.

The Joys of Motherhood

What brings you joy as a mother?   Laughter brings me so much joy!  This week alone my toddler has blocked my husbands number on my phone --- which if you're a wife leads to many conversations of "why aren't you answering me" ... with my husband trying to show me and explain he answered every time!  Of course in the moment it wasn't my fault, right?  Wrong, but because it could have only been my two year old's doing we found ourselves giggling over the whole situation!  I have also cleaned up a roll of paper towels, refilled the laundry basket ten times in an hour before realizing maybe I should move it, and re-stuffed a box of Kleenex.  I had a friend send me a post of a child recently with shaving cream everywhere and her comment was "has Lincoln done this yet?" ... life is anything but boring with a toddler around!  This morning I woke up to find Lincoln naked from the waste down -- sometime in the night he felt the need to remove his diaper and pants and yes his bed and blankets were soaked in pee.  Again I had to laugh because really what else can a mother do?  I am not sure what motivated him to remove them, but the fact that he is getting bigger and independent bring me tons of joy!  He isn't a baby anymore!  He's a little person with a BIG and FUN personality.  Everyday is a new adventure with my son.  He is mischievous, full of joy and and his giggles melt my heart.  

My role as a mother has taught me many things, and the journey is far from over.  I've been given a gift only a mother can know and appreciate.  I have more patience for the stressful moments, more smiles when tears may have poured before and more strength to handle the unknowns of life because of how far we have come in two years.  However, let's be realistic, tomorrow's post could easily be about tantrums or the hardship and frustrations toddlers bring, so today let's simply laugh, smile, and remember what brings us true joy as mothers!