3 year old


I have no idea how this day has come and gone already, but my sweet Lincoln had his first day of preschool August 2, 2016!  After multiple conversations with my husband, mom, his therapists and friends, I made the decision to put Lincoln in preschool.  While the decision was mine (and Jason's), I appreciated perspective from the surrounding people in my life who love and care for him.  The common denominator was that he is SO outgoing, social and full of endless energy that it was simply time. I must admit I was, and am excited for him!  Sure my heart is filled with a little panic of "how is he this big already" but he is a sponge and I fully believe he will thrive in a more structured environment!  I look forward to each week hearing new words or phrases he has learned, more letters and numbers and hopefully not too many bad habits! 

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Week 1

At the end of every day, Lincoln gets a report card.  The teachers mark the child's emotions overall, if they ate snacks and lunch, how long they nap, when they tried to go potty, if there were accidents, etc.  So far, Lincoln has been a very happy, sweet boy.  However, he is not yet a fan of circle time, and so far has "helped" the teacher as his focus was everywhere else but the circle.  I love the updates, because while I want him to learn structure, he is still 2, and I have never taught him circle time, so I chuckle a little at the thought of him being wild.  I'll take "needs work on circle time" over biting and hitting any day!  (yes moms out there thinking just wait ... I am sure that day will come too)

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Week 2 & 3

The weeks are getting better and better!  Lincoln has made friends, has now caught on to teachers instructions, is singing more in the car with me, and saying new words each day.  His teachers mostly report he is happy, naps well, and likes to eat!  Lol, he is my son after all!  Still working on that potty training thing, but he has had less accidents and more times "making it yellow" as he calls it.  Of course washing his hands after seems to be more fun than the task itself!

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Week 4

This week is SLC spirit week!  I thought it was comical he had a spirit week, but I love the fun it involves!  I only take him 2 days a week so he will miss a few fun things, but I will need to shop for Tuesday/Thursday items!  

Monday: Sports Day

Tuesday: My Favorite Animal Day

Wednesday: Princess and Superhero Day

Thursday: Crazy Hair/Hat Day

Friday: Pajama Day 

I have met some mamas who cannot imagine their little ones in preschool.  I understand that there is appropriate ages to take them, but as a mom who was blessed to have Lincoln at home the first couple years, I highly encourage those mamas to think outside of themselves!  Socialization and other adult instruction can be a very positive thing in a child's growth!  We love our preschool so far and look forward to all the JOY it will bring Lincoln!