constraint therapy

Alabama - Take Three!

Alabama - Take Three!

Ever year the month of February brings the Phoenix Open to Scottsdale, crazy amounts of traffic and tourists, the Superbowl, and for our family — a trip to Birmingham Alabama! Be honest, did you break into song with the legendary Lynard Skynyrd when you heard the lyrics above - “sweet home Alabama … where the skies are so blue”? I have to admit everytime I hear the song I cannot help but belt it out, it’s such a feel good beat! However, if music is not your thing, perhaps you prefer romance and turn to mush over the handsome Josh Lucas and his enticingly sexy blue eyes, understanding without question why Reese Witherspoon falls for him all over again in the movie! I mean who doesn’t want a man that loves his dog, flies a plane and can create hand blown glass kitchen items and decor, while becoming successful on his own! If you have no idea what I am talking about, I may question our friendship - and if you don’t know who Josh Lucas is, we really need to plan some quality low key girl time - also known as movie night. I’ll provide the comfy couches, blankets and place to relax - you bring the popcorn, wine and an open mind to one of my favorite chick flicks of all time! My list of favorite movies is a blog post in itself for a later day — Wimbledon, Pretty Woman, The Lucky One, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, I could go on — but I am way off subject now — so enough about that and back to Alabama!

Alabama Bound

Alabama Bound

February is flying by at a rapid pace!  Every time I turn around another weekend has come and gone, and I still have so much to accomplish.  The end of January to the beginning of February is usually a whirlwind in Scottsdale with the Barrett Jackson car show, the Phoenix Open golf tournament and superbowl parties, all of which tend to bring our home amazing visitors in the form of friends!  Add still trying to get settled in the new house, work and all three of us being sick at different points, life has been chaotic!  Time does not stop for life though, no matter how busy we are.  So ready or not, Lincoln and I leave for Alabama tomorrow.  I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off preparing and I figure whatever I forget can be found in Birmingham when we arrive.  

CIMT Birmingham Alabama - Week 2

Weekend: We had a nice weekend with some sunshine and 60 degree weather.  We spent one morning at the Birmingham Zoo where Lincoln enjoyed riding the train, seeing the lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and other animals.  Whenever we have traveled in the past for appointments or therapy we always visit the local zoo, so we had to keep the tradition going!  Again, Children's was great and wrote a letter saying we were visiting for therapy and our admission to the zoo was free.  I love the effort they put into the families who travel here to see them.  It is a nice touch when a lot of the expense is out of pocket already.  Sunday was a quiet day for Lincoln and I, we attended church, went to the gym and grocery shopping, finishing the evening with homework.  Looking forward to completing week 2. Monday: Mom's are amazing aren't they?  Well really all parents are amazing!  However, I could tell this morning was going to be a tough one from the moment Lincoln got up and even though I put on my best smile and found an optimistic attitude I will admit to you all the idea of crawling back in bed with my coffee sounded wonderful.  One of the reasons I love sharing adventures and blogging is to be honest.  The superficial stories are fun to read, but they give altered perceptions of perfection, which is not reality.  Week one was awesome, I couldn't have asked for more!  But that doesn't mean some days are not hard.  I wouldn't change anything we are doing here, but I think it is OK to be honest that I have had to remember all Lincoln is going through and take a few deep breaths on certain days when I would give anything to have a few minutes at a local coffee shop to myself.  My patience at moments needed work and a few tears have fallen between so many good moments! 

Therapy today went well overall, with a few tantrums in between games.  Lincoln played with some new toys, painted, went shopping (yes, you guessed it) and ended his session with a treat of playing/working on Jackie's I-pad because he listened so well.  Today while he was on the I-pad I answered questions regarding his progress and it was fun to discuss with Jackie the things we really have seen improvement on.  I was encouraged today that he is better at using his pointer finger and able to turn the weighted shopping cart better with his right hand only.  As with anything in life, change does not happen over night and it takes hard work and consistency.  This will be the thing as Lincoln's mom that I need to remember most when we go home because daily activities will be important.  

Fun Fact - The gas station's here have hand sanitizer by the pump!

Tuesday: Can I get a WA-HOOOOOO!!!  Today was a big win!  Not only was Lincoln in a great mood, he had an awesome day in therapy.  A lot of movements we have been working on in therapy and at home were easier for him today and more natural.  He still has a long way to go, but we have learned to celebrate all the little and big things.  I am so thankful to see progress, especially after he was a little cranky yesterday.

After therapy today we went to buy him some new shoes.  The ones he has for his brace, are heavy and he does not like them.  We found a fun pair that he loves and to my happiness they aren't terrible colors.  Ha ha, do other moms feel me here?  I am all about the super heroes and making my little man feel special, but I am always grateful when he picks reasonable things!  By the shoe store was a bakery a couple people recommended to us, so we had a Valentine's Day treat too! Wednesday:  

Downtown Homewood is where we went shopping today and it has adorable stores to browse including the bakery I mentioned above and a local toy store.  

Today was an off day for Lincoln.  Not because he didn't try, because he did work very hard, but it was clear to us he was under the weather.  He did not sleep well last night due to a fever and I ended up going to the ER today for a small skin wound that was red and puffy.  Had I been in Phoenix, I would have watched it and not taken him in, however it is on the right arm which is the side we are working hard on and I did not want to take a chance as we still have over a week left in Alabama.  Unfortunately being out of town, the ER was our option as the after hours care wouldn't see us.  Yuck!  The ARNP was great and gave us an antibiotic to fight any infection, a topical ointment and I have been giving him Tylenol for the fever.  Could be a mix of a few thingsw, as mnay germs are in the air, but I am praying my bubby is back to normal soon!  Today he was sleepy, and wanted me to carry him - which is not like my wild, fun boy.  Hence the scrath on his arm to start with. *he was playing at the gym for those wondering how he got it, it is not the casted arm.    

Side Note: Can I just say how amazing the Children's ER was in Birmingham?  They had us checked in and in a private room within ten minutes!  I live in a large city in Arizona and you would think the experience would be awesome, but I am not sure it comes close in comparison.  Huge, huge, huge kudos to Birmingham as they have obviously done something right to be so well known that people travel here!

Thursday:  Today was a HUGE day for success!  Lincoln was able to isolate his "pointer" finger for tasks and pushing buttons.  We have been working hard for him to do this and it was so exciting to see him succeed today.  I would never in my own life think this would be hard, but when your brain tells you to use all your fingers together, being able to isolate pointer, or thumb and pointer together is very difficult.  It requires repetition before it becomes a natural movement.  We saw Kodi the therapy dog again today, went shopping as always and Jackie surprised Lincoln with some new superheros to capture as well as multiple fun new games to play!  Overall a great week with a few bumps but I am happy to say week two is almost over! 

Huge THANK YOU to those who have called over the last two weeks to check on me or chat!  Lincoln is great company but adult conversation means more than you know!

Friday:  Skipping today's post as after therapy Lincoln and I are headed to Chattanooga!  We are excited for a fun filled weekend away from the apartment.  Stay tuned for the updates and photos of our adventures in TN!



CIMT Birmingham Alabama - Week 1

As promised, here are some daily highlights from Birmingham Alabama!  Brief overview again for those who are not aware of what it is, CIMT stands for Constraint Induced Movement Therapy.  A number of treatments are given to teach the brain to "rewire" itself following a major injury such as a stroke or head injury.  The research completed by Edward Taub, PHD and the University of Alabama at Birmingham showed that patients can "learn" to improve the ability to move the weaker parts of their bodies.  Allowing them to use both sides of the extremities and not only rely on the stronger extremity.  In simple terms, we are hoping that Lincoln will be able to use both hands/arms together to make everyday things easier for him.  We are in Birmingham for three weeks of therapy, 3 hours every Monday - Friday with homework at night and on the weekends.  

As I packed to leave our home for three weeks, I read this quote and felt that it was perfect for Lincoln and I.  Alabama was a choice, but together it will be our home for 3 weeks and I know we are giving it all we have while we are here.  


Sunday: It didn't take long for me to realize an apartment with limited TV channels and none of our regular toys would not be ideal for Lincoln and I.  When leaving Arizona, I packed books, coloring, and a few other small items knowing he would need distractions,  however it was not enough.  The weather today was rainy outside, so we were stuck indoors, thankfully the forecast looks better for the week.  Much to our excitement (ok MY excitement) we found the only LIFETIME Fitness in Alabama less than ten minutes away and mommy got her workout in while Lincoln played in the child center with kids - all for no additional cost to our membership at home in Scottsdale!  We watched the Superbowl this evening and are turning in early as tomorrow starts Day 1 of therapy!  

He was so excited to FLY!

He was so excited to FLY!

Monday: Today was an exceptionally good first day!  Having a three year old means every appointment or new event can go well or be a total disaster.  Leaving for therapy today I felt like an utter failure of a mom.  Lincoln did not want to put his shoes on and insisted on wearing yesterdays monster truck shirt which I denied and I thought for sure we would be late as I tried to rush a toddler to eat cheerios!  Have you ever been there?  Success was merely checking in on time, but even that was hectic as my information had not been correctly transferred into Children's system.  Cynthia at the front desk was kind and efficient and had the best welcoming smile.  As I sat in the waiting room it was adorable watching Lincoln look at little kids his age.  I started talking to a sweet mother who's son had been to Alabama six times for the program, and she shared the key ins and outs which was great!   

Miss Jackie introduced herself as our occupational therapist and Lincoln liked her from the start because she let him take his name band off which he was not a fan of!  He made sure to tell her about Genna, Stina (Christina) and Seesaw (Melissa) his beloved therapists back home, which warms my heart because he does spend lots of time with them.  We spent our three hours today going over history, grading Lincoln's motions and capability of the right arm, set goals and had two casts made.  He picked red and blue - like spiderman, superman and batman.  He considered green for the turtles but didn't follow through.  Oh to have choices!  Gone are the days where mom got to pick!  At least he didn't choose pink, ha ha!

Lincoln cooperated for Jackie like a champ and I was pleased as a mama to see how polite and kind he was.  Again back to the first paragraph where I was totally failing, lol -- believe me my patience has been a little lacking after traveling.  It is always lovely as parents to see the best of us come out through our children in manners and such.  Jackie was impressed with his skill level thus far and I am super excited to see how much we can learn in three weeks.  Jackie is as strong willed as Lincoln and they will be a perfect fit!  We left with a blue cast today and Lincoln's understanding that only Jackie can remove it, not mommy.  We will see how that goes.  Lincoln is an extremely typical little boy and does not need my assistance when he has full use of his strong side, however with that arm/hand in a cast he becomes more reliant upon me which will be frustrating and trying for us both.  

As a mom, the first few days of these adventures are exhausting and emotional.  It brings back all the feelings of why us, why Lincoln, I had a healthy pregnancy and it is not fair, and even though people try to understand they do not.  It is not unusual for me to shed a few tears and today I even took a nap while Lincoln napped.  At the same time, I was encouraged too as Lincoln was able to do a lot of things most kids cannot and it is a true testament to how hard we have worked weekly for years to give him every opportunity in life thus far.  Even as adults we like to see hard work pay off, and it is no different with a child.  Some days I want to take him out of therapy and not worry about how he plays with toys at home and if he's doing tasks correctly, but those days pass and I am beyond grateful for amazing insurance, amazing therapists and an amazing daddy who allows me to work part time.  

Day one is officially in the books and after Lincoln wakes up from his nap we are off to the gym and the store!  Routine will be my sanity!  

Day 1 with a cast went WAY better than mama expected!

Day 1 with a cast went WAY better than mama expected!

Tuesday: Day two was a success!  I know the post will come that I say we had a rough day or a meltdown, because that is the reality of a 3 year old, but I am seriously a proud mama today!  Lincoln worked hard for 3 hours and just kept going like that little train that could.  His attention span is short, so Jackie has a lot of activities and games ready to keep him going.  Eating is more of a challenge as his dominant hand is casted, but he did really well with that too.  My little man is one determined guy!  Today we left with homework, so after Lincoln wakes up from his nap we will start some of those items ~ yes there are multiple things we are expected to work on.  I am learning new things which I love.  Medicine is a passion of mine, the way the body and brain works is amazing. Lincoln is tired everyday so far and naps are necessary as well as a good nights sleep.  I wanted to nap again today, but instead I did a HIIT workout (BBG) while Lincoln slept.  I expect my son to work hard for multiple hours a day, and he does!  So in turn I really have zero excuse as his mom to not then work hard myself.  Traveling takes a lot out of people and food choices become lazy and human nature leans towards convenience.  I am doing my best to keep us both on track!  

Lincoln Loves Shopping For Super Hero's

Lincoln Loves Shopping For Super Hero's

Wednesday: Day 3, and halfway through the week!  Lincoln is still doing SO WELL!  Today felt like we were a little more in our routine and I am happy to say Lincoln did not fall asleep on the drive home as it makes transferring him to the house for a nap more difficult.  Therapy was still new and fun for Lincoln today so he enjoyed it.  For those wondering what constraint therapy activities consist of it is pretty much anything that requires Lincoln to use his right (weaker) arm/hand.  He practiced supination (rotating his palm to neutral and up) exercises with stickers which he loved, practiced throwing bouncy balls for shoulder strength and movement, weight bearing, and played with race cars.  One of his favorite daily activities is shopping for super heroes!  Jackie sets them all around the halls, in cupboards, on the railing, and copy machine, you name it she gets creative -- and Lincoln has to push a weighted shopping cart with one hand and collect them all.  He loves it, as do most the kids from what I am told.  It is amazing to me how many things there are to keep children's attention.  Lincoln has made friends with kids who have the same casts and he is starting to warm up to more people.  

Highlights of today were: Susan playing the Harp for us during our sticker exercise and then Lincoln getting to play with her on his own harp, as well as Stevie the therapy dog stopping by to say hi.  Both of these fun things are available because of wonderful volunteers.  It was a nice break and distraction as three hours is a long time for a little boy to focus.  

The weather is rainy again today.  It seems to be clearing up so maybe we can play in the park nearby this afternoon.  We have more homework today, so our evening will be busy!  If tomorrow goes well at therapy, we hope to attend the McWane Science Center in the afternoon.  It has great reviews for kids, AND Jackie has some free tickets for us from Children's which is a bonus!  

Side note for anyone looking into the CIMT program here in Alabama -- I have met two families who say the Ronald McDonald house is being renovated and is wonderful.  As a family we chose not to take a room there even though it was offered.  In our experience of hospitals and therapy there are so many people who need the services and there often is a long wait list.  For families who may want there own space, Children's also offers a full list of furnished rentals, hotels and other options with discounts as well!  However, from chatting with one mom, the Ronald McDonald house has multiple discounts to surrounding activities, has meals and treats brought in regularly, and are only a few blocks away from the outpatient center which is more convenient than our 30-45 minute drive in traffic.  Definitely worth looking into from the sounds of it, even though I have not seen it personally.  

True meaning of "SUPER" is this little boy!

True meaning of "SUPER" is this little boy!

Thursday: It is hard to believe today was already day 4!  Tomorrow week one will be over, with two more to go!  Lincoln had another fun day playing with shaving cream, shopping (kid is crazy about this) and walking and throwing balls for a new therapy dog named Kodi, among other therapy tasks of course.  He amazes me daily with his determination and today I teared up a little over him telling Jackie "on my own" over eating his yogurt alone with his spoon.  To the average person, you may take these things for granted, or not think of them at all because your child could eat with either hand, but for Lincoln the fact that he is doing this alone with his weaker side is AWESOME!  Therapy regardless of where we are is realistic with expectations and as a parent you never want to be too hopeful, but I must say deep in my heart I have always had high hopes for Lincoln and we have been blessed with great therapists who never dim my fire, they encourage and push and believe in Lincoln too!  So thank you to those people, I know I don't say it in person enough.  I plan to work on that this year!

Shaving Cream Fun!

Shaving Cream Fun!

After therapy today Lincoln and I spent three FUN FILLED hours at the McWane Science Center.  Children's of Alabama provided us free tickets and because of that the science center in turn paid our parking.  I am beyond grateful for the kindness of everyone!  One small nuisance of being in public is the constant comments of his broken arm, how did he hurt it, parents telling him to be careful you already have a boo boo, etc.  I am a strong mama, but I am human and it takes everything in me not to defend him or myself as some comments are quite judgmental.  Instead of responding, I let him fall, told him to shake it off, watched as he tumbled, jumped and ran around like a wild, typical little boy -- and cheered him on until he was so tired he could barely walk straight that I carried him out as he cried over leaving.  In my head true strength was responding with a smile ~ as I am the first to say it doesn't matter what people think right?  This is of course true, but it still stings when you love someone as amazing as Lincoln.  What is it adults say?  You can't judge a book by its cover? May we all continue to learn this lesson in all aspects of life!  

If you ever have a chance to visit this while in Birmingham it is perfect for kids of all ages!  I took a million photos, but figured I better only post a few.

His favorite floor was the kids gym!

His favorite floor was the kids gym!



Water was tricky as he had to keep the cast dry!

Water was tricky as he had to keep the cast dry!

Friday: Crash and burn!  That pretty much describes our Friday therapy session.  I knew the day was coming as Lincoln has done exceptionally well for his age all week.  Today felt like a complete disaster to me, with tantrums, crying and even (gasp) hitting with his cast!  Side note: it really does make a great weapon, ha ha!  I was mortified but Jacked was unfazed.  At the end she told me it wasn't a bad day overall, which made me chuckle.  In hind site of leaving, I know Lincoln did soem good work in between the chaos washing dirty dinosaurs, launching circles in the air, and again SHOPPING!  

Thank you to everyone who checks in with us and sends encouragment our way daily.  I never knew how strong I was until I had this little boy, and I see daily that he is ten times more strong than I am.