The Importance of Water


Did you know that our bodies are made up of 60-80% water? (numbers vary based on different research) Living in Arizona, the climate is very dry and it is important to hydrate!  Regardless of where you live though, it is important for everyone.  In a world of energy drinks, coffee, soda, and alcohol - it is easy to forget about plain ole water!  During the holiday season, I found myself constantly forgetting my water.  As the two weeks of crazy holiday fun flew by I found my body begging for WATER when it was over.  Life was busy as I was moving, enjoying my family and making poor eating and drinking choices.  PS never regret the moments where you find balance and enjoy a splurge.  Life is too short and you can always get back on track.  I am a big believer in balance.  This year I decided to give Tervis tumblers as part of my Christmas gifts.  I am blessed with a variety of friends but they all need to consume water, as do I, and for some reason I find it much easier from my tumbler with a straw.   

I wanted to share some simple reasons this new year to focus on your water intake!

1) Lack of water often leads to fatigue.  Water is essential to our body functioning properly and if you are dehydrated it is often hard to focus and leads to feeling tired.  If you are at work and busy, focus on taking ten sips at a time.  If plain water is hard for you to drink, try adding lemon, fruit, or natural sweeteners.

2) Water aids digestion.  Water helps our bodies absorb proper nutrients from our food, while also ridding our bodies of toxins by flushing them out through waste such as urine, etc.

3) Water helps suppress your appetite.  This does not mean you shouldn't eat, but often thirst is disguised as hunger.  Before each meal and when you wake up in the morning, first drink a glass of water.  

4) Water helps your skin look better!  Come on ladies --- we all want healthier, younger looking skin!  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  

People often ask what is the right amount of water to drink.  This number will vary for each person.  The average rule of thumb is 8-12 glasses or 1 liter per 50 lbs of body weight.  I believe water is a key factor in aiding weight loss and fitness goals, so I personally shoot for 1 gallon a day.  If you are just starting out, a simple test is to check your urine.  If it is dark you are probably dehydrated.  The more hydrated you are the lighter color it should be, shoot for light yellow to clear.

There are many benefits to drinking water, these are just a few!  Next time you feel tired and are looking for more energy, don't turn to empty calories and sugar crashes full of caffeine, pick up your water!